Abundance Brings Me To ……………

Creating Abundance is the theme for April Check out the reading for the month here The abundance I have in my life brings me…………… feelings of joy love and freedom. As I drove to the beach this morning I was feeling so abundant. I had woken up to the magic of the full moon still […]
Do You Talk To Your Guides Each Day?

What Do My Guides Want Me To Know Today? I was shuffling my deck of cards. Focusing on my heart and some cards flew to the floor I then turned over the top card was YOUR HEART KNOWS This is the focus card for me today That said to me it is time to do […]
Step Onto The Path of Love. Open, Listen and Expect Miracles

Can You Expect Miracles When Your Are Blocking Your Inner Knowing? My question to meditate on was How will I break my blocks to selling on a daily basis? So when I drew the Expect Oracles card with the message Then picked up my pen to journal. These were the words that flowed onto […]
How To Make Your Vision To Expect Miracles

Your heart opens and whispers: ”Feel the love and expect miracles”. A new month with many opportunities opening for a new abundant prosperous life. The focus card for the month is Expect Miracles Open your heart to receive and let go over clutter no longer serves you. This might be computer clutter, email clutter, […]