Have You Shared Your Soul Story With The World?

Sharing My Soul Story: Today I am honoured that my soul story has been shared on Soul Speak by Jodi Chapman. “Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” ― Thérèse de Lisieux: Story of a Soul, Chapter VIII  So what is a Soul Story? Jodi says: It’s that moment in your life when you realized […]

Making Art Every Day Is Empowering

heart whisper

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. –Ralph Waldo Emerson  On November 1st, I joined the The Art Every Day month challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas has been running for 10 years. and yes I have painted every day.  Some days more than once. 🙂 It was back in April 2011 that […]

Being Strong Allows You To Step Into Your Greatness


 You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. ~ unknown Be Strong…..those words today have a very different meaning for me than they used to have. To be strong used to mean for me keeping a stiff upper lip, stand tall, holding in my feelings and keeping […]

Be Desiring: Creating Your Heart’s Desire

heart desire

Creating comes from your heart and your gut ~ Sonia Choquette  Are You Embracing Your Hearts Desire? Part 1 Although I usually wake up early in the morning,for the past month or so I have tended to pull the covers up and dose off again. Not today! When I woke up at 4.15am, still dark, instead […]