The Question: Am I truly loving and accepting ME in every moment the day? I meditated on this question and then shuffled my cards and out flew FOLLOW YOUR HEART with the question for me? Are you really loving you and the path you are on today? I then drew HOPE followed by INNER PEACE Then I took out […]
How To Empower Yourself Through Hope
“With hope you awaken yourself to miracles, where the impossible become possible” Hope was the card I drew twice this week and I was reminded of a recent conversation with a friend who walked beside me on my healing journey, that I give people hope. Even when the chips are down I always present […]
Are You Being Selfish In Hiding Your Story?
![Are You Being Selfish In Hiding Your Story](
What Stops You Sharing Your Story? Yes the story that changed your life It’s time to write your own story. Stop looking outside! Focus on what is within you. Now is the time, So today, start moving forward. I got this message as I was lying in bed this morning. I have been stopped in my […]
How Do You Love You As You Start Your Day?
![How do you love you](
How Do You Start Your Day? Are you being loving to you? Do you take time for you? Or do you grab a coffee and hit facebook? It’s okay sometimes I succumb. I open the phone and something pops up and i am down the rabbit hole! I was asked the other day how I started […]