100 Days Of Heart Whisper Paintings


What do you do each day that keeps your heart in touch with your creative spirit? I have continued my daily 10-15 minutes of painting each day since I completed my 10 x 10 series back in January. I love it. Usually I do it when I first wake- It is like a morning meditation […]

More Art, More Abundance, More Creativity and More Self Love

Suzie Cheel

Thank you to everyone for your feedback on the Heart Whisper: Help Me Get To Know You Better survey. If you missed it I have left it open and you can add your feedback. I will send you the gratitude meditation if you leave your email.  Drumroll: The Winner of The Heart Whisper Coaching Session is the bold Tess […]

Making Art Every Day Is Empowering

heart whisper

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. –Ralph Waldo Emerson  On November 1st, I joined the The Art Every Day month challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas has been running for 10 years. and yes I have painted every day.  Some days more than once. 🙂 It was back in April 2011 that […]