7 Ways to Help You Step Up, Shine Your Light and Play A Bigger Game

Are You Shining, or Hiding Your Light? As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson Are you letting you light shine brightly for you and the world to see or are you […]
Choose Love In Every Moment

Love………………♥♥♥ ❤️ dissolves fear 🧡 empowers 💛 opens new ways to be 💚 builds confidence 💙 allows in abundance 💜 brings inner peace 💗 takes away anxiety ❤️ keeps immune system high and clear 🧡 raises your love vibes 💛 brings inner pease 💚 creates ripples of change through love 💙 increases gratitude I am sure […]
NEVER, Never, Ever GIVE UP

I heard those words last week from Sommer I have thought about giving up many many times. I looked outside myself, thinking the answer was out there? No the answer and the message are always within. When you receive a morning message like this “What a gift you are in my world xx You have […]

Has that ever worked for you before? If not, why would it work now? I know, you are looking for the one key that will open the door for you to abundance. 🌈 I’ve been there, done that, more often than I recall.☹️ The problem with that is you are still looking outside yourself. Looking for […]