What’s Your Color For The Week?

Do you ever choose a color that you will focus on for the week? My color for this a week is Lavender Six weeks ago I started Nicole Cody’s 9 week Journal Challenge. I love Nicole’s work and thought this would be fun and it was time to start a new art style journal. One […]
Be Seen ~ Wrap Yourself in Color And Love

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” ― Brené Brown Do you hide your true colors? I know I have been hiding some of me, my art and my business, I have great intentions and then I allow myself to be distracted and before I know it the day has gone and my […]
Blue and Green Should Never be Seen…Prescription 19

Blue and green come in many hues And with many meanings Green should never be seen with blue without something in between Was a saying I heard as a child I now see that what comes between is the wonderful color turquoise Green is empowering, Giving life the the new Green is for growth that […]