LOVE 💜 JOY 🧡 FLOW When I step onto the path of love The one of Real Radical Self Love I wake every day with the words I love you Suzie on my lips I give myself an inner namaste 🙏 My heart smiles I have accepted that I am worthy I know and feel […]
How To Empower Yourself Through Hope

“With hope you awaken yourself to miracles, where the impossible become possible” Hope was the card I drew twice this week and I was reminded of a recent conversation with a friend who walked beside me on my healing journey, that I give people hope. Even when the chips are down I always present […]
How to Meditate and Listen To Your Heart Whisper

A Simple Way To Start Meditating Today’s post has come in response to a request from Heart Whisperer Kim Stanley Lawyer when I posted the Heart Whisper Daily guidance card Your Heart Knows yesterday in the Heart Whisper Circle. So today when I drew the Listen Card I knew it was time to create a simple […]
Are You Really Willing To Listen To The Whispers of Your Heart?

Why really listening to your heart whispers can be a challenge We don’t know what we will hear and whether it will be delightful or scary or neither. Yes we don’t know! We live in a society that glorifies reason over emotion. Everything has to be logical. People don’t trust what their heart tells them. You hear […]