Creating Change by Coloring The World.


Two Weeks of Joy and Frustration.  Has anyone noticed an energy shift in their lives over these past 2 weeks?  I have been experiencing a personal shift that had me refocusing my business purpose to align better with my life purpose. It hasn’t been easy. Two weeks ago there was a new moon that I read was […]

The Business Oracle Card Brings a Clear Message


  My Healing Art Gallery Is Open For Business I drew the Business  Card for the first time on Tuesday. It is from Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides Oracle Deck and I just love the picture. This is a picture I am now embracing for my business. I love the Goddess Venus shining down on […]

Do You Unleash Your Creativity On Your Business?

I am Open to receiving love

Soul Art Day 2014 The purpose of creativity is opening my heart to the whispers that are wanting to be expressed – Suzie I have just completed a wonderful journey in exploring my own creativity. Last week I took part in  Laura Hollick’s International Soul Art Day, something I have done in 2012 and 2013 I allow […]