Today I am sitting at Snapper Rocks in the healing sun. Currently I have been really slowed down by a dose of sciatica and a sore throat, not something I am enjoying. Below are the words that flowed as I shuffled my cards while gazing into the magic blues of the sea.. By being BOLD. […]
How Will You Boldly Step Into November?

Heart Whisper Meditation and Reading for November This month’s reading speaks volumes to me as I have been boldly finalising my rebranding. These were the words I wrote after I drew these cards and so I had the title for this blog post. This is your time to shine, to get out of your limiting box […]
My 3 Words for 2016

Why 3 Words? The last few years I have chosen 1 word for the year Last year it was trust In 2014 it was courage in 2013 it was abundance In 2012 I started a series word of the week that was a great idea that i might revive one day This year I thought my word […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Big

Don’t get too big for your boots! Keep your light under a bushell. Don’t blow your own trumpet! Who do you think you are? Yes BE BIG! Are you easily able to step into being big in all aspects of you life. Or do you hear those words that I heard as a child, […]