BEach Inspirations: Be Big

Don’t get too big for your boots! Keep your light under a bushell. Don’t blow your own trumpet! Who do you think you are? Yes BE BIG! Are you easily able to step into being big in all aspects of you life. Or do you hear those words that I heard as a child, […]
Beach Inspirations: Be Miraculous

When we play Magic happens Our creativity flows and Opens our hearts To the love we are And miracles occur ~ Suzie Cheel Yes Be Miraculous! Do you see yourself as a miracle? Do you expect miracles to happen in your life and to you? Or as Brad Yates asks: Do you choose to allow […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Magical In May

Magic happens when you allow your heart whispers to guide you ~ Suzie Cheel BE Magical in May I have decided that May will be a magical month for me and it will be what i am putting in ny vibrational bubble for the month. First lets look at bring magical. What does being magical […]
Beach Inspirations: Be Kind

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.~ Dalai Lama Are you kind to you? Sometimes we forget about ourselves in the kindness stakes. Do you give yourself one random act of kindness each day? It might just be: ♥ Looking in the mirror and saying I love you ♥ Taking time to treat yourself […]