Be Desiring: Creating Your Heart’s Desire

Creating comes from your heart and your gut ~ Sonia Choquette Are You Embracing Your Hearts Desire? Part 1 Although I usually wake up early in the morning,for the past month or so I have tended to pull the covers up and dose off again. Not today! When I woke up at 4.15am, still dark, instead […]
Be Shining: Is Your Inner Light Turned On?

Are You Shining, or Hiding Your Light? As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson Are you letting you light shine brightly for you and the world to see or are you […]
Be Positive: 7 Ways To Raise Your Vibes

Today I choose to be positive in who I be, how I am and what I say. and I feel my inner critic fall away as my heart opens to love ~ Suzie Cheel Some days it is easy to be positive, I wake up full of gratitude I meditate draw an oracle card, journal, […]
Be Celebrating You

Do You Celebrate You? Thanks to Lisa Murray for her post Stop Comparing Start Celebrating that I discovered the Declaration of Blog Lovin Tour and decided to join in. This weeks topic Celebration was at the front of my mind. I thought of the post I wrote a year ago Are you Celebrating Your Life […]