Does Procrastination Block Your Abundance?

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”– Edward Young Does procrastination stop you completing your project you have had on the drawing board for the past month or more? make you wonder where the morning went when you were planning to start on your book? keep you from enjoying the abundance you deserve? These are just […]
12 Blessing Quotes Open The Doors To Gratitude

A to Z of Gratitude: B for Blessings Have You Counted Your Blessings Today? I just said to a friend today when they asked how I was I replied that each day I count my blessing as I am surrounded by abundance in so many ways, mother nature gives me so many ways to raise […]
Self-Love Prescription #2

Heart Spring 1 This is the second in the Self-Love prescription series and was done the next day after Heart Spring. I had gone back and listened to the visualization that Anne Aleckson had taken us through.In the guided visualization you were asked to see a magnetic coil coming out from the center of our […]
8 Inspirational Abundance Quotes

The A to Z of Gratitude Currently I have so much to be grateful for. If you haven’t seen my around you can read what’s been happening at Suzie’s Healing Journey. I have had on the drawing board for many months the idea of making an A to Z book of Gratitude with quotes […]