Abundance is a Feeling

Abundance is a feeling, we are surrounded by abundance every day, sometimes we don’t see the small things that do create abundance. If we raise our awareness we be in the feeling of abundance. We need to embrace the feeling of being abundant by celebrating in the moment when we notice the abundance flowing in. Today […]
How To Ramp Up Your Abundance With A Gratitude Journal

The Grace Of Gratitude Journal by Deborah Perdue Today I spoke with Deborah Purdue the author of The Grace of Gratitude Journal. Deborah sent me a copy to review and when I opened the envelope I knew this was something I would use and my current gratitude journal was almost full. Wonderful timing. This is one […]
How to Make A Gratitude Jar

When we are patient, we allow gratitude to flow. We hear the whispers of our heart, and the doors to abundance open. Using A Gratitude Jar To Empower You When we count our blessings on a daily basis we raise our vibes, bring more abundance into our loves which is empowering. I makes us feel good. […]
The Healing Power of Gratitude

Yes Gratitude Does Heal Putting the words and thoughts into action After what has been a very success Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge I had great plans to look start a new Heart Weekly Whisper Wednesday video series. This would be part of Suzie Tv and I will share my Heart Whisper stories and answer any questions you may […]