How Do You Put Your Energy In Motion Each Day?

This morning I was doing an exercise from the 7 day Manifesting Miracles challenge that Lana Shlafer is running this week in her Facebook group. Todays exercise was to play this game by writing out or speaking a series of statements that begin with “Wouldn’t it be nice if…”. I did that exercise in my […]
Discover Inner Peace Now: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart

Heart Whisper Meditation On Inner Peace Inner peace is something so many strive for. That calm quiet when your life is in harmony, You have let go of all those judgements that lower your vibes You love and accept yourself exactly as you are You know you are more than enough Today when I was shuffling my Heart […]
Lucky To Be Alive: My Year Of Living Positively

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius My Year of Living Positively: Lucky to be Alive is the title of the book of my healing journey that I am writing this month. Why […]