30 Day Blog Challenge: Celebrate Your Success

Are You Empowered By a Challenge? 2 days ago I was awarded the gold trophy for having written 30 blog posts in 30 days. It was a great way to launch this blog. So will I keep going? Yes maybe not with daily posts I am looking at 4 to 5 blog posts a week. […]
How To Manifest Abundance

Yes Another Manifestation Well wasn’t that fun? I know I am feeling lighter and the abundance if flowing in as I continue daily practices.Being Grateful and Showing Appreciation are fundamental in using the Law of Attraction in all areas of your life. Each day be grateful and acknowledge all the small things in your life. […]
Nothing Like A Challenge to Get A Blog Rocking!

The 30 Day Blog Challenge Starts Today. Yes the 30 day blog challenge starts today June 1. This one is being hosted by Dr. Jeanette Cates from Tech Tamers. I did two of these last year. First in June/July last year, when there were 6 finishers, at my main Blog: Abundance Highway. One to get […]