More on Passion:

There is no passion to be found playing small
in settling for a life
that is less than the one
you are capable of living — Nelson Mandela

This wonderful quote came in an email today and it got me thinking about playing small  and living large. I then looked at my vision board which last week I hung from the window behind my computer, so I am reminded of that I am living large in 2010. Eek we are nearly half way through 2010 and you might call this a wish. I bit like a Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying.Planning and dreaming…………You know the song, well it’s about love but I can see the parallels……… and I could rewrite the words.

Vision BoardSuzie’s 2010 BHAG

I have made a vision board that has the words living large on it.  Setting up this vlog has been part of the plan. I  can now see why I need to be taking the Passion Test on a more regular basis. Yes I have been playing small, holding back from stepping up into the arena to play large. So today as I have been writing out my passions I have been reflecting on what playing small has cost me. So watch out world, it’s time to:

Take Your Passion

Are you playing small?

Are you living your passions?

Have a deliciously abundant day

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Passion test

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6 Responses

  1. yes it is interesting how we can limit ourselves. I also find comparing myself to others also stops me. It is great to meet you- you will like my post today:)

  2. Hey, Suzie! Found you on facebook and now I “like” you. Lol!

    You write about living small. I realized not too long ago just how small I was living life. Suddenly, I began to notice all of the things others had accomplished. Things I never thought about. That is when it hit me that I want to get out of my “small box” way of living.

    But, I needed another reminder… thanks for that!
    Mary Ann

  3. Suzie,
    Thank you for the reminder to stay true to my passion. An important message for our times. Go Big, Girl!

  4. Hi Suzie,
    Congratulations on your new blog. I wish you the best in all you do! The world needs you.

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