The Abundance Show Episode #15 with Debbie O Mewes

The Abundance Show

  Blending The Spiritual and The Business World through the FEM Experience Today I was talking with friend and colleague Debbie O Mewes. Debbie is an entrepreneur with a spiritual connection. Constantly creating and manifesting Debbie is a unique blend of the spiritual and the business world, a love of quantum physics & all things […]

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September Oracle Heart Whisper Oracle Card Reading  This is going to be an exciting month  Welcome to September and here it’s the month of spring,

 (reading is 6.00) Time for a fresh start is what I am feeling.    In Australia, it will soon be spring. That will be around the spring equinox on September […]

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Why Me Time Can Create The Difference You Have Been Longing For?

Focus on Freedom

Focus on FREEDOM by making sure you give yourself ME TIME each day and then the KNOWING you are enough comes easily So important to take, what I am calling the golden hour each day, time that is just for you. Today my body must’ve had a knowing. 🙂 I spent a large part of […]

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Are You LIVING Your Passion?

Live your passion

Heart Whisper Oracle Card Reading for the week August 19th  This week the focus card is PASSION: What is your true passion? Are you really doing something that does light up your life when you wake up in the morning? You can feel the excitement of the day ahead as you know you step out […]

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