Smile and The World Smiles With You


The Power of a Smile Yesterday my friend Lance from The Jungle of Life posted this video and this beautiful quote: “There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.”– anon This video was created in conjunction with The Levity Project. One world, One smile. Lance was instrumental in encouraging […]

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Do You Say Yes To Life?


What do you do to attract high vibes? I know I often catch myself when I find myself saying “I don’t want to………..!” and ask myself want do I want? The words we use are so important in living in a positive and high vibrational state. Lorraine Cohen in saying Yes To Life has asked […]

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5 Key Reasons To Have A Blog As Part Of Your Business Strategy

Does your business need a BLOG? I have a number of friends in business who know I blog but don’t seem to be interested in having a blog. I know many do not see the value of blogging and I often hear them comment: “That’s just an online diary isn’t it?” I then usually go […]

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Your Powerful Yes:Living Your Inspired Life.

inspire me

Do you Live with Passion? Join Here Imagine it’s the last day of your life. Your life flashes before you. What will you see? Will the vision you see be one of a well-lived vibrant life filled with passion, love, prosperity, inspiration, excitement, peace…… Say YES to the life you were born to and register […]

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