The Energies of December
The Heart Whisper Card Reading for December was for me both powerful and in so in sync with my Focus on Abundance challenge that starts this week. Here is the reading on the cards and the energy as I felt the energies,
Here is a meditation for you to help anchor in the energies and help you move towards your wildly Abundant 2017. You can listen online or download
Meditation on the Energies of Abundance
Are you saying yes to you?
Will you follow you passion to open the pathway to abundance in 2017
All my love

Please Share this article on your favorite social networks and with your community. This can help others heal and transform their lives. Thank you!”♥♥
All my love

Please Share this article on your favorite social networks and with your community. This can help others heal and transform their lives. Thank you!”♥♥
Hi, Suzie
Love your positive attitude to life. When we give positive to the world, positive energy will flow back to you.
Stella Chiu
Thanks Stella it seems to be what keeps me going even when it is touch- a magical quality that others often see more than i do xx
Today, I am grateful for the abundance of quiet time to catch up, the abundance of the universe in providing a replacement for my old blender and for the abundance of Suzie’s message to remind me to be grateful.
Thank you Joyce love it you are in the vibration of abundance, thank you for sharing xx
I love your positive energy, Susie!
Reba thank you- that made me smile when I read this today when I woke up. I am think I might need to become the positivity queen 🙂 xx
Yes, every time I let go, wonderful new things come into my life!
Yes Barb- that is so wonderful, yes when we open ourselves and release magic come happen xx
What a wonderful way to start the day and weekend! Thank you Suzie for your ever-present passion and inspiration. 🙂
Thanks Marty i love reading your comments, they also uplift me, I appreciate the contribution you always make to the conversation xx
I am ready for abundance! Thanks Suzie for sharing your gifts.
Love it Lisa, being ready is opening those receiving valves thanks for adding to the conversationxxx
This is beautiful, Suzie!
Thanks Ruthie nice to meet you and welcome to The heart Whisperers xx
I needed to read this today. Thank you for the dose of positive! 🙂
My pleasure Debbie- love it when my message and writing inspires and helps xx
You are so inspiring, Suzie. Your positivity is contagious! I believe as well that what we focus on manifests itself. Thank you!
Thanks Cathy you make my heart sing, I really appreciate your heart xx
I’ve always believed that when you say YES to life, it says YES right back Suzie. Thanks for the inspiration.
Yes Elle so simple and true, amazing that people forget xx
Yes! I’m certainly planning to have a blast for 2017. Thanks for being an inspiration!
My joy Evelyn look forward to seeing you blast forward in 2017xx