“As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.” – Henry Van Dyke
This was the word where the title for my book Emergings arose from and these were the words I wrote then and that was how the title emerged
Emerge: to rise out of
- to issue or come forth
- to come into view
- to crop up
- the act of emerging
- a sudden appearance
- crucial
- emerging
- future (Chambers Dictionary)
The Title –
The question was asked -“What is the word in art when one pattern changes?”
The word that came to mind was “emergings”
Emergings:“a pattern that develops from one into another”
What change has emerged for you recently?
with love and in abundance
The word emerge, and all its variants that you’ve listed, is wonderful. I like the way I feel when I say it. What’s emerging for me recently is a much bigger willingness to step into my true self and my greatness. Of course, they are one and the same!
I love that word emerge.
Emerge from the darkness into the light.