How Do You Start Your Day?
Are you being loving to you?
Do you take time for you?
Or do you grab a coffee and hit facebook? It’s okay sometimes I succumb. I open the phone and something pops up and i am down the rabbit hole!
I was asked the other day how I started my day.
This was what I shared:
- First I check in, while still in bed with my joy level for the day- today it was 82
- Then I get up and at the moment I oil pull
- Make hot lemon for Des and I , plus a tumeric drink and lemon for me- building my auto immune system after 2 viruses this year.
- The I draw a Heart Whisper oracle card – sometime 3 as Idid today
- I then journal on the cards and allow my heart whispers to guide me
- Meditation time and prayers.
- Then sometimes I paint as I did today completing a client’s heartscape or read
- Beach for a 30-40 minute walk and swim in the sea
- Then my back exercises and 3 days a week I do aquarobic back exercises either in the sea if the tide is high enough or the pool
This centres and grounds me.
Yes it does mean I start my day by loving me .
This was a practice I started on many years ago and really expanded on as part of my self-love healing journey
The odd day I miss I do notice a difference and I am not grounded, especially if I open my computer or phone before my spiritual time. My loving me time.
The oracle card I draw usually is reflective of what is going on for me. I had woken today in joy and feeling on purpose so when I drew the happiness card the title for this post came to me.
It was this card that sparked a joyful happy state as I began my day and was reinforced as the day began. The video ( 3 minutes) shares this with you at my happy place.
Discover how full your joy tank is today – click here
A Meditation to love you more (4 mins)
Are you ready to step up and discover your path to joy? Schedule a chat
I look forward to reading your comments .
All my love

I start my day with repeating positive affirmations before my eyes are even fully open, like: “All is well. Life loves me. Today, I choose joy.” As soon as my feet hit the floor, I say, “Than you, God, for this new day.” Then I feed the cats (because there is no peace or contemplation time for me if I don’t), followed by meditation, journaling and, a few mornings a week, some chair yoga. As the mornings get warmer, I’ll start walking in the early mornings before I journal.
Barb wow you have you life on loving you, Thank for sharing your rituals xxx
Love this, Suzie!! self care and how I start my day is something I talk about and seeps into almost everything I write about. As I always say, how you start your day is how your day will go. Much love!
Ruthie that is wonderful, I love how you say it seeps into what you write about. xxx
Love your morning routine Suzy…setting the tone for your day is an awesome thing to do. 🙂
Yes Elle is is and when I don’t the usually reflects back to me as to why it is important 🙂
Thanks for sharing your morning routine and for the reminder not to rush the mornings and fill them up with “busyness.” Most mornings I meditate, drink water, eat some nuts and seeds and supplements, sit in the sun (weather permitting) and stretch and enjoy some kitty snuggles. However, there are some mornings I feel like I have to bypass all that and get right to work. Thankfully, not often!
I wish daily walks on the beach and swims were an option. Lucky girl! 🙂
Sounds like you day starts with love and joy too Debbie 🙂 Yes I am one lucky girl , and when we think od movinf those maorning beach walks a a guge drawcard xxx
That is an awesome morning routine, Suzie. I meditate, journal, do a bit exercise in the morning. However, I will say, I think racing to the computer is a bad habit that many, including myself, are tempted to do, so thank you for this great reminder.
Thanks Cathy, sounds like you are doing well too xxx
I love how you are checking in to your joy tank every morning! Great idea to do tuning up first thing in the morning!
Thanks Evelyn, yes it is a new morning thing for me and as you say new ideas often flow from this, also sets the day well too xx
Suzie, I swear sometimes it feels like we share massive amounts of DNA and ways of being. Having just gotten through an intense two months (and thank you for all the loving attention you’ve given me as I moved through it!) I am exceptionally grateful for my persistent and dynamic morning routines. For me it’s critical, because I do not! wake up in the morning full of self love.
Here’s my latest mix of mindset workings (subject to change) — which I completely ignored today but won’t tomorrow!:
• tai chi
• stretches (because they make it possible for me to walk with less pain)
• meditation
• a walk
• journaling
• chanting
• movement
• gratitude practice
I’ll add oracle cards when I feel the urge. I think I’ll move a deck closer to my journal — sounds like a luscious combination.
Oh and! I’ve moved to 30 minutes distance from Point Reyes, one of the most beautiful beach areas in northern California. My intention is to do my walks there at least once a month (Full Moon) and twice if I can (New Moon as well).
I just checked on the map where that is, beautiful and a national park. Looks like in letting go you have moved somewhere beautiful and not too far from San Fran ? The beach is my special place where I am now headed xxx
Sue, you had me smiling as I read this- we must have a virtual tea soon. So happy you have completed this stage of your journey. Interesting you comment that you don’t wake up full of self-love. I have done so much work on me that i do most days and now share a daily practice through my new joy quiz that seems to be helping others too. I kept fighting it – I know know that helping other discover the power of love is truly my mission. Yes oracle cards are my new found way to love me more as well as grow, xxx
What a beautiful morning ritual, Suzie. I’m so happy you’ve created this nourishing time in your life. You’re such an inspiration to us all.
Thanks Sandra amazing how challenges bring rituals into one’s life. xxx
I just have to say I love how you start your day! I, unfortunately, don’t leave near the ocean but I might have to take some cues from you and change my morning routine a little.
Hi Summer , glad you were inspired. Yes living near the beach is such a blessing for me xxx
I always think of you walking on the beach when I’m out on my morning run Suzie. We’re both so lucky to live in beautiful surroundings that fill our souls. Quality time first thing in the morning sets us up for the rest of the day. I also love end of day rituals that help us be grateful for the day that’s been xxx
Love that Heather, that is special you running in the fields of Scotland thinking of me at the beach. You too have the magic of a beach not too far away. I am not so good on end of day rituals.May it I didn’t get up so early, although I do do gratitude during the day xxxx
Lovely morning rituals Suzie! I’m an early riser, as in 4 am. I don’t use an alarm I just naturally wake up at that time. And like you I invest in some quality quiet time and then gradually ease into my day – unless of course, I’m up against a deadline. The ability to control your own time is one of the many blessings of being able to work for yourself at home.
Another 4 am riser, I too wake without an alarm and around 4 am unless like last night I went to bed 2 hours later and had a 5 am call! Still the beach is always grounding for ,e. Thanks for sharing xxx
I’ve always needed a quiet start to the morning, Suzie, with prayers in the morning, reading the paper while having a mug of coffee. The ritual doesn’t take long and I love to do a spot of contemplation. The habit is embedded in me and the days when I skip the prayers or reading the papers just doesn’t feel right. It’s my way of honoring myself and acknowledging that I’m important too. Without self-love, we can’t give love to those who color the fabric of our lives.
I love this- going to use it on a quote with an attribute to you “Without self-love, we can’t give love to those who color the fabric of our lives”. Yes rituals set the tone for our day. thanks for sharing xxx
Oh, how I envy your walks and swims at the beach. Right now I live in the desert, but one day I plan to live by the ocean. You are so right, electronic devises are not the right way to start the day. Great suggestion to resist this temptation. I also enjoy praying and reading something spiritual – for me that means from the Bible – to start the day off right.
Hi Julie, I love the desert to, , but not as much as the beach- there is something that sings to my souls. I say the lords prayer everyday as i start my meditation time. Yes electronical devices are a gift and a curse xxx