Reflecting on Last Year
As we come towards the end of another year it is a good time to reflect on where you are now in relation to where you were almost 12 months ago.
Maybe you hit all your goals. Maybe like me there have been some things that were
- great- you feel a great sense of achievement
- some challenges :
What I will be doing over the next week will be to journal on how I am feeling, I will look back on each month.
This week I am taking time leading up to my birthday to take time to be still and listen as I reflect back on the reading I did last January. What stood out for me was that the card I drew for December was Just Be.
That is what my body has been telling me since I completed the Focus on Abundance 5 Day Challenge. The challenge raised questions for me and had my limiting beliefs appearing. As I flip back through my journals for the year, it is great to reference each month.
Looking Forward
When I spend time reflecting on my year, I will be meditating, listening to my whispers and making note of what i have done that I can take into the new year.
A new year is time to start over, start fresh. This year I feel I will be building on what I have put into place that I am seeing myself powering forward.
At the Daring and Disruptive Female Entrepreneurs group that I belong to, end of year session last week we shared how we saw our year and then we ere asked to share with someone new, and swap the soul foot we had written on.
What so many of us found was the words we received spoke maybe to us for the coming year.
These words I received from another Suzi touched my heart. Then Lauren, another daring and disruptive joined us and shared what her word had been for 2016
and how she had embraced these two word and her business took off. Those two words spoke to me so i added them to the soul foot. I love the idea of Rocket launching my biz in 2017 with ease 🙂
Forecast Your Year Through Tapping Into Your Heart Whispers
The New Year is the time which bring us the energy of planning, forward-thinking, a focus on manifesting what we really, really want for the next year.
Using Oracle cards is an empowering way to look at what the year ahead may look like for you, in maybe a more gentle way.
How would you like to go into the new year, knowing that you are aligned with your heart’s true desire?
With clear intentions that are supported by your heart whispers, your intuition.
If you think it would help you to get clear on your intentions for 2017, I am offering a special New Year Heart Whisper Reading to set you up for 12 months of success, abundance and joy. You own forecast with guidance as you move towards that wildly abundant 2017.
All my love

Suzie, you bring so much sparkle and joy to the world…you are my role model for vibrant living
Get weekly inspiration to raise your vibes, a weekly heart whisper painting with a channelled message + more
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Thanks so much for the work you are doing in the world. Your artwork and message is beautiful. I am adding your oracle cards to my wish list.
Write on!~
Lisa you made my heart sing when I read your comment- thank you for you kind words. I love you have my cards on your wish list xxx
Rocket launch seems to be a good phrase to adopt, and I can see
you doing that in 2017, Suzie.
Thanks Yvonne, I have wondered about the rockets launch – can i do this with ease and grace and be aligned – my planning and meditation will tell xx
I am actually reflecting today on my year and realized how grateful I am especially for the people who have come into my life. Beautiful article
Hi Tricia thank you. Yes this year I too have has a wonderful new range of people come into my life – so special xxx
I love your oracle card journal, Suzie, evidence of the year gone by! I completed my year in review yesterday evening and am now sitting down to plan what I want to do in 2017 to take me and my tribe forward. Wishing you every success in 2017 and a very special Happy Birthday today. <3
Congrats on having done your review, mine is still to be completed. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I have enjoyed being spoilt and taking time away from the computer xxx
Thank you, Suzie, I love to make time for year-end review and appreciate you sharing your practices and your excitement about your next year’s theme! My One Word Intention for next year is Alignment. I believe that once a person achieves the alignment with her authentic SELF, and makes choices that support this alignment, things start falling in place with ease and grace. 2016 was a mixed bag of experiences for me and I am excited to start journaling my 20/20 year-end review.
Millen love you word and agree with you about being in alignment and I know that I will focus on the too as I plan 2017. Curious as what you 20/20 year end review is xxx
I’m a huge believer in the power of doing a year-end review. There’s so much to be learned, and of course, it’s important to take the time to celebrate accomplishments no matter how small. Enjoy the process my friend!
Thanks Marty I will enjoy the process and i know this year has been one of slow and steady progress. xx
I’m getting into the mode of of a year end review…which helps me to make a clear path for the coming year. Love your post here and your card spread. Very helpful.
May the year ahead be AWESOME for you and me 🙂
xoxo, Z~
Yes I agree AWESOME for you and me. Love that the post is helpful for you too xx
I love the idea of looking back and reflecting on our accomplishments and growth for the past year. I need to take better notes so I can do this next year! What I feel is a tremendous sense of accomplishment. I’m looking forward to 2017. Wishing you, Suzie, and all here, a beautiful, joyful, peaceful and successful New Year!
Good point Reba take better notes, Yes I think you have made great progress in 2017, wishing aan abundant, creative love filled 2017 xx
Thank you so much Suzie for sharing your end of year self-nurturing practices! I love them and your intention for the New Year – embrace! That is my intention as well and I am so inspired by the possibilities embodied by that word. I am sending you so much peace, love and joy for a fabulous New Year!
Thank you Kelley I am seeing the word in a new light this morning and the way you have talked about the inspirations of the word- I may have an intention to embrace with ease and grace in a simple way. Wishing you love peace and joy for a super 2017 xx
I’m incredibly blessed to be where I am today – I’ve never felt more confident in my side business than I do now. I’m not rocket launching anything – I’m approaching 2017 with ease and grace and a great deal of uncomplication. More art and creativity and in person connections is what’s in store for me! Ease, grace, and a cup of uncomplication, too!
I love reading where you are at, I think as i have been reflecting Simplicity with ease and grace might be my way for 2017. I will BE ME and yes to the art and creativity- I think my transformation is not complete. The Heart whisperers group is going back to where it started as I start as of my birthday to paint and share that there. I read you comment to Des and he said to thank you as when I wrote rocket launch he though Oh no that is not Suzie- I must be me !!!!! Love you are in my life and look forward to a virtual tea, being interviewed by you once i have my act together and interview you for my show i will lauch in 2017 as i love interviewing and sharing the magic that we all create xxx
We’ve just go to set up a Skype call, Suzie, as we share so many similar passions…and we even use a similar language. I’m appreciating how you’re already refelting on your year…I haven’t gotten that far…yet. And when I do I will rewind to reread this. In the meantime. know that I am whooshing! Summer Solstice blessings to you in the Land of Oz. Big hugs xoxox
Wonderful idea Lore- one of my goals for 2017 is having Virtual tea and talking with the wonderful friends I only type to 🙂 Right now my body is reflecting on my years and telling me to slow down Merry Christmas hugs and xxx
Thank you for this thoughtful, inspirational reminder to reflect on the past year and dream for the new one. May it be awesome for both of us!
Yes Debbie love the idea of an awesome year- yes time for reflection is very important for me big time xx
I am so much happier and content then I was a year ago at this time. Now I’m excited to see what’s next!
I am excited for you Barb and will love watching what evolves for you, happiness and contentment open the doors to magical possibilities xxx
Beautiful post andlovely friendly reminder. Thanks!
Thanks Natasha xx
I love the image of your oracle card readings for the year, Suzie! I’m in the process of my year end review too. I like to start early and let it percolate a bit over the concluding weeks of the year. It’s been a challenging year in one respect, but also so full of growth. Wishing you the very best in 2017.
Thank you Sandra, yes it has been an interesting year for me with many challenges too. I am planning for a year of success with ease in 2017 Wishing you a special year ahead too xx