Yes Gratitude Does Heal
Putting the words and thoughts into action
After what has been a very success Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge I had great plans to look start a new Heart Weekly Whisper Wednesday video series. This would be part of Suzie Tv and I will share my Heart Whisper stories and answer any questions you may have. I did rest and relax last weekend as I had forgotten the demands that 31 days of blogging takes.
Then comes Monday and as the saying goes “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray – Robert Burns Yes my plans went totally astray. If you receive my Weekly Heart Whisper you will have read the story: I went to post a parcel and go to Magic Monday ( Our health food store has an awesome 20% discount on the first Monday of the month). As I was walking back to finish some shopping I found myself falling and the next thing I knew I was flat on the hard tiles floor shopping bags neatly landing. (Amazing I had a large jar of Organic Coconut Oil and it did not smash!)c I was in shock and a quick check at my local doctor showed no broken bones, that was great news. The last time I had a fall I had a fractured humorous!

A sense of gratitude empowers us to choose wisely….how we feel, what we say, what we believe and what we do. Gratitude leads us to see what is available, what we can develop. After all, there is nothing to work with in the empty part of the glass. Without the attitude of gratitude, there results a feeling of deprivation.
The state of mind that we call gratitude is not inborn in my opinion, but something we learn. gratitude as to do with feeling full, complete, adequate – we have everything we need and deserve; we approach the world with a sense of value. it is the experience of the range of fulfilment that is possible that leads to a capacity for gratitude. Without gratitude, the tendency is to feel incomplete, cheated, deficient – in a word helpless.
- I am grateful that I have no broken bones, this means my heal my bones regime is working as I was told 2 years ago that I had osteoporosis, caused by predisolone. I have been on a a bone healing and regrowing journey for the past 2 years. I was told that it took two years to regrow bones
- I am grateful for shopping centre management and the care they took and to the two women who stayed with me
- I am grateful for our health system and the miracle that I only had to wait 30 minutes to see my own doctor
- I am grateful to me for letting go and having the sense and patience to rest and heal. I have lots of practice, seems not quite enough
- I am grateful for all the love, prayers and healing that was sent from all my online friends- you are awesome
- I am grateful to family who called to see how I was going and offer advice.
- I am grateful to Des for his continued love and care for me and the yummy meals he cooked and for taking me with chair to Rainbow Bay beach to be in the sun.
- I am grateful for the healing power of ice
- I am grateful that my knee did not bruise, I think the bones might be 🙂
- I am grateful that I have been kind to me and released any anxiety about what did not get done
- I am grateful for my alkaline lifestyle and all the wonderful fresh food i eat each day, it heals
Have you kept your daily gratitudepractice going ♡♡♡
Do you believe in the healing power of gratitude?
Share in the comments below

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
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Hi Suzie – I’m so happy to hear that you’re healing well and are feeling better. Taking time for rest isn’t easy. Thank you for taking care of yourself and setting such a good example.
Thanks Sue, yes I am better, and today doing self-care after nit the positive news i was expecting from Dr visit- seems I have some more to do on letting go and trusting.
I appreciate your care xx
Love the artwork, Suzie <3 Green is one of my favorite colors. (And I'm partial to the heart…)
Hi Rachel,
thanks lovely to see your smiling face and your comment has my heart smiling
Namaste xx
I do believe that gratitude has the power of healing . I do practice this but there are days when I forget about it. Thank you for sharing.
Welcome Siphosith, we all have days where we forget, I find if we make it a habit on waking and going to sleep it becomes more part of our daily routine 🙂
Much love and hugs as you continue to heal Suzie. What a fabulous woman you are.
I to believe gratitude is learned. My life would have been an easier road is some respects if I had learned that earlier. However we are all on a journey and I am so grateful for my life experience… it has allowed me to be the woman I am today.
It also led me to self love and deep peace.
Love your posts cheers Di xx
Thanks Di you make my heart sing and smile. Yes for me too gratitude has been a learning and something that I still sometimes need to be more conscious of. Yes I agree although there a few experiences on my journey that I could have done without. 🙂
I too have been led to an inner peace and more self-love
I look forward to meeting in person one day
Namaste ♡♡♡
I look forward to that face to face Suzie…it will happen one day much love and hugs Di xx
I agree with the quote you used that says gratitude is not inborn but must be learned. Your article used an interesting angle – that gratitude can also help us heal physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Love your list and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Suzie, you are such a powerful force of positivity. Perhaps the universe was just giving you a signal to slow down a bit…. 🙂
Thanks Kim you always lift my spirit. Seems like I am not quite ready to take on the world, still a little time for reflection I feel
Namaste ♡♡♡
Hi Suzie!
This has been The Week!.. and it is great to hear that you are feeling better and recovering, and I like to read and share stories what are the ways to cope with- when such events enter our life. And so great that you heal yourself in authentic way – your way – and that is the best!
The full moon energies are challenging and oftentimes these are the ones showing us where we can find even more energy… so more grace can enter our lives! Thank You for this wonderful sharing 🙂
Hi Evita,
Thanks for sharing and for the info on the full moon, you are spot on it has been a time to do some reevaluation and relook at doing more art 🙂
Namaste ♡♡♡
It is such a powerful exercise, writing down exactly what you are thankful for no matter how small! You will see how truly blessed you really are. I love this article. Thank you for sharing!
Welcome Summer,
Such a wonderful name Thanks for you energy in your comment and for visiting
Namaste ♡♡♡
Suzie … my favorite subject: Gratitude! There can’t be enough articles, blog post, inspirational images or quotes about Gratitude. Thank you for your perspective and for the reminder for so many! Be well ~~~Maria
Thanks Maria, i absolutely agree with you , the more gratitude there is in the world the more love and peace there will be not to mention happiness.
Suzie xx
So sorry for your fall, but so happy to hear you are doing well. Sending you thoughts and prayers for continued healing!
Hi Adriana, and thank you. I appreciate you dropping by
You were very lucky and blessed Suzie. Grateful you are feeling better. I remember on my 17th birthday, I fractured my foot while running on the airport tarmac towards my parents in Trinidad. I was wearing wedge heels as was the fashion in those days. One slight slip and I fractured my foot and there went all celebrations except for the fact that it snowed in Port of Spain that day – never happens!
Whenever something goes wrong, I make it a point to be grateful for all that did go right and grateful that nothing worse happened, more so since I am accident prone and yes, I heal faster.
Hi Vatsala,
Yes I was, a fracture would not have been great. thank you for your wishes. Yes amazing how gratitude speeds up the healing process. Wow Snow in Trinidad!