When you follow the path of your heart the flame of passion will light up your life.
This card inspired these questions that flowed onto the pages of my journal………
What is your true passion?
What drives you to live fully from your heart?
What is it that feeds your soul?
I wrote:
Setting others on fire by the joy that comes when they
♥ truly love themselves.
♥ Know that they are enough
♥ step into their power each day
This empowers you and me and in turn empowers the world. This creates ripples of love which comes when we have inner peace and joy is our daily way to be.
If We All Came From Love…..
If we knew we were at peace within
Just Imagine how beautiful the world would be….
This is magic, this is my passion, what drives me to live from my heart each day and feeds my soul.
So start today with loving you. This is the first step.
Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror– Byron Katie
I get my clients to do is the morning mirror exercise in the bathroom each morning and to really reinforce it, do it at night too. This is what I have on my bathroom mirror.
Yes this can be difficult when you first start, especially if judge yourself. You know the inner critic. Start by looking into those beautiful eyes of yours. Focus on your eyes and say I love you……. ( put your name here). One of my clients said recently to me that it was getting easier. She found it very challenging when she first started.
Here is an image you can download and use as a screensaver to remind you to repeat these 3 words daily.
and some words for your journal.
My heart is whispering I love me,
I am so grateful for me
I am a blessing to myself
and the world
Today I will be gentle with me
Today I will allow myself to shine
I will listen to my heart’s whispers and know that
I am beautiful and I am love
How would you answer the 3 passion questions?
Share in the comments below or come and add to the conversation in the Heart Whisperer Movement on Facebook
All my love

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Get weekly inspiration to raise your vibes, a weekly heart whisper painting with a channeled message
Truly, Suzie, self-love is a game-changer and when we accept that fact and practise self-love, we open ourselves to the life of our dreams.
Beautiful painting, Suzie. I love your artwork–the are always so uplifting and cheerful!
Vidya thanks for your uplifting comments both on my art and self-love- I learned that one the challenging wayxxx
Thank you Suzie, I love these empowering questions, What is your true passion? What drives you to live fully from your heart? What is it that feeds your soul? I closed my eyes and answered and ahh… SHE felt seen and heard. Thank you!
Ginny, that is beautiful She felt seen and heard: That is being true to you knowing you are living your passion xxx
I do Louise Hay’s mirror work every morning. It works beautifully.
Yes Barb it is amazing how those 3 little words lift one xxx
You shine such light, Suzie! Following my passion is the same as following my inner compass. Guidance from within! Enabling others to experience the power and purpose of that compass within brings me such joy!
Laurie what joy you give me, thank you. Yes the guidance within as you say your inner compass, your heart whispers. the secret being to listen and then take action on the guidance xxx
What drives me is my passion for peace and social justice and my belief that we must nurture peace in the world from the inside out! Thank you so much Suzie for this inspiring and beautiful post!
Kelley I totally agree nurturing peace is an inside job first. Thank you for you uplifting comment love it when I am guided. xxx
Thank you for those loving reminders Suzie, you are inspiring me to start journaling again and to ponder those powerful questions.
My joy Rachael love that you were inspired to get your journal out xx
So many beautiful click-to-tweet quotes, Suzie. Yes, passion fuels our life purpose and I believe it is important to remember not to doubt ourselves, even when we seem to fail in our efforts to fulfill our purpose.
“My heart is whispering I love me,
I am so grateful for me
I am a blessing to myself
and the world” – I love these verses!
Thank you Mihaela. yes so important not to doubt ourselves. I love you love my verses and tweets , will go to sleep smiling xxx
A beautiful post Suzie and love all the ways we can remind ourselves that we are love and love is our essence. Couldn’t stop tweeting away with so many awesome quotes! xo
Thanks Debra thanks for sharing. yes love is our essence and if we get more people to discover that there will be more joy and peace in the world xx
Ohh, Suzie! I love the synchronicity! I watched a video this morning about Divine Purpose/ Passion/Mission of Life. I love this theme. I think is very important to know what is your true passion. Thank you so much.
My joy and I love the synchronicity, thanks for sharing you energy- I can feel it xx
Thanks for the inspiration and reminder to be kind to myself. I could use a reminder every day. I’ll have to get a heart for my mirror. I love the purple and fall colors in the top image. Gorgeous!
Thanks Debbie yes the heart on the mirror is a great reminder, also a screen saver on your phone works too xxx
It’s been a wonky day so far, and then coming to your site lifted my spirits. I could take a deep breath and inhale all the love of your pink hearts. Thanks so much for sending the love and to remind myself to love myself.
Joyce so happy I can help you out of a wonky day. We all need the reminder as we so often forget to put ourselves first xxx
Thank you, Suzie! So inspiring. My passions: healing with words, aligning with the truth
Thanks Sandra. Love your passions amazing how healing words can be xxx
Always so beautiful Suzie…words and art. You shine such a light in the world and we are all blessed by it. I’m so happy you allow yourself to shine. 🙂
Elle thank you what a beautiful comment to read this morning , gives me a warm inner glow. I also know I am in the flow and following my passion xxx
Love your words:
Today I will be gentle with me
Today I will allow myself to shine
Such great advice. The answer to your three questions: my faith, my family, and my writing, in that order. Also, loved your thought about helping others find joy in their lives. Thanks for the inspirational article!
Hi Julie and thanks for your answers love then and they speak volumes. Great the joy spoke to you- it has come from my own journey and a new service I will be offering soon. xxxx
Suzie, your blogs always bring a smile to my face because they are so profound in their simplicity. How can we expect others to love us if we do not love ourselves, and if we do love ourselves, does it really matter if someone else does not? Their Loss! Love you!
Thank you Kathleen I love what you have written: so profound in their simplicity. My heart smiles when I read that. yes but so many people still feel they are not worthy of love and have so much to learn to fully love themselves. Love you too xx
Beautiful image and message Suzie! BTW I would have liked to download your desktop image but couldn’t figure out how. I clicked on the bold “download” and then on the image but nothing happened. Anyway, it’s a lovely thought and I will definitely keep it in mind today.
Thanks Marty. sorry about my lack of link I have now put a download link into the post from the word download that will automatically download xxx
Thank you Suzie for an inspiring post. When we love to learn ourselves, the world learns to love us too!
Yes Vatsala thank you love this so true When we learn to ourselves, the world learns to love us too! xxx
I was so overcome by your post Suzie that I got the order wrong. LOL “When we learn to love ourselves, the world learns to love us too”.
With love
Thank I love you liked my post so much- I saw it to when I reread it- so true too
Thank you Suzie, for a wonderful post. It is so important that we follow our passion and not fall into the brambles of doubt, fear, and all that other crap, pardon my French. Great reminder!
Thanks Reba, yes so true and so easy as you say to fall into all the other crap that stops us being true to ourself. xxx