Choosing to follow your higher guidance gives you more freedom
Those words resonated for me as Freedom is one of my primary values. This wisdom flash is part of Sonia Choquettes new online Ask You Guides Course. This expands on Sonia’s Book of the same name and the oracle card deck I am using in conjunction with this program.
Today is the start of week 4, and I just discovered a meditation that was so relevant to last weeks exercises that I think I will redo week 3. I am listening more to my higher self. I can see how this is changing my life and as Sonia says this is the week to really get on board with my guides, angels, ascendant master, my helpers and my archangels who I am calling my A Team. When you realize how much you can allow the head to rule being in constant contact with you guides and your higher self takes practice and is a discipline.
Just this morning I was in my meditation area and thought my altar area needed a dust, oh I’ll do it later I thought, no came the inner voice do it now. Then I was writing in my journal and asking questions and I was surprised by the answers I got. Wondering why I am asking questions? Today’s exercise is to ask 10 questions of my helpers and to be ready accept help is someone asks: Can I help you? So I am ready and open to receiving offers of help 🙂
I first drew a card from My Archangel Michael Oracle deck and received the answer to a question I was asking about working with someone new. One of the other messages I got was to get my art online and start an online shop. I had decided to restart my morning painting ritual after a break of a few days, I also needed to clean up my studio space. I did that on Saturday and with Des’s help in 90 minutes we transformed my room. It went from:
What a delight to go in there this morning. I was going to start a color prescription series this week so I asked my helpers. What I wrote was to work with the colors of the chakras and this week I am working with the base chakra RED. I will do maybe one or a series of paintings over this week. Today I have just painted watercolor red onto paper and played with the texture. I will document the process and share with you at then end of the week. I am also going to reread and review Rainbow Eyes Chakramid Reflections; A Tale of One Woman’s Journey to Chakra Energy Awakening that the author Mary Jo Shaffer has sent me along with a wonderful manifesting bracelet.
Do you trust the messages your higher self gives you?
Live in abundance, live creative, be the change and make a difference TODAY!
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Hi Suzie,
I wanted to share with you a BIG surprise I got that was inspired by your beautiful prescription paintings. When I first saw what you were doing by starting your day with an activity you so love, I couldn’t imagine doing that without getting distracted by the delightful experience of doing one of my favorite things. I kept seeing your lovely paintings roll out one after another and thought that must be a great way to start your day.
Since one of my favorite things is to listen to music, I decided to give it a try as an energizer break. I was feeling very tired one afternoon and put on the very high energy pumping song “Gloria” by Laura Brannigan. I suddenly felt very energized. Thanks for inspiring me to try that.
Also I look forward to seeing more of your colorful “prescriptions”.
Hi Columbia,
Thanks for your brilliant feedback. I am stoked that I inspired you to follow a passion and that it energized you.
What you have written has inspired me now I have completed My Ask Your Guides course. That will be back on my June goals. I am working on my chakras- the base one and now that painting with one color has it’s limitations-
Back to multicolor so I inspire you and others again.
Suzie your piece is very inspiring. My life is very unorganized as of now…and I am a slave to my job, to money, and to everything else it seems. I will definitely be returning to read more so maybe I can experience more freedom.
Hi Valerie,
Look out for a webinar I will be doing next week that will help you move towards freedom