When we believe we can and take action on that belief we can soar and shine out light for all the world to see.
We regain lost confidence, we heal, we drop the fear and the what if this or maybe that.
When we let go and believe, we can then star in our own lives and create a ripple effect of change. It’s tweetable
Today’s video content came to me in a meditation and I know it relates to my power word for this year COURAGE
Share in the comments what happens when you do believe in you?
Maybe you have a tip to share that will help others step up and shine

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More Joy ♥ More Love ♥ More Abundance ♥
♥♥”Please Share this article on your favorite social networks and with your community. This can help others heal and transform their lives. Thank you!”♥♥
Awesome article. Only we can give ourselves permission.
Suzie, I love this: touching one person at a time we can make a difference, and help others to shine their light in the world.
Thank you so much, precious, for the words (written and video both!), and for the love and support in our online communities. So grateful for you!
Hi Sue,
it was great t meet you yesterday and you are a master of touching one person at a time.
Your comments have my heart singing , my heart is full of love
Thank you ♡♡♡
I love your power word Suzie. Courage is so important to go after what we want in life. Even if we don’t feel courageous, we can still take baby steps towards our dreams. My power word for the year is freedom. We have to believe in ourselves if we want to achieve our goals.
Hi Keri,
Thank you for commenting and yes baby steps make that what might seem ginormous task doable ♡♡♡
So true if we do not believe in our self we can have a trillion mentors.It took me some time to believe in myself. For a long time I was told a lot of negative things about myself. Of course it robbed me and blinded me to who I really was and what I was capable of. I struggled and did not really know how to did with it…but it was a little something in me that said I could and that I am who God said I could be…I pushed and pulled and brought some of the things that was buried under all that rubble forth. Long story short I flourished and beat the odds.
Welcome Margaret,
I love you flourished and beat the odds,,,,,,, sounds like it was a journey of discovery and acceptance too ♡♡♡
Believing in ourselves is at the very core of everything we do! From how much we dare to put ourselves out into the world to how much we give of ourselves in relationships ~ it’s all directly proportional to how much we believe in us. I didn’t get much self belief instilled as a child and so I searched for it everywhere outside of myself as an adult. Then I came to the realisation that it comes from within. I’ve been on a wonderful journey of discovery ever since. I’m so grateful for you coming into my life and confirming that wonderful things happen when we just BELIEVE, much love xx
Hi Heather,
The feeling is mutual, your presence in my life is beaitiful.
yes when we do believe un us we can create magic and we just need to TRUST that one it something that i am still working on.
“When we let go and believe, we can star in our own lives . . .” Great quote! What’s more important than being in the moment and being the best version of ourselves at all times? Thanks for the inspiring post.
Hi Lisa,
thank you I love that you were inspired ♡♡♡
Suzie, this is a great post and video, thank you! When I believe in myself, wonderful things begin to happen. Courage and confidence go hand-in-hand, and it is a feeling from within that shines!
Hi Deanna,
Thank you and yes I like you words too, when we allow what is within to shine magic happens ♡♡♡
Believing in me is what make me strong, and give me the strength to come this far in my life. I stumble, but at the end I had always get more confidence in myself, no matter how hard things get. Thank you for this post!
Hi Remy and welcome, thank you for your insightful comment. Yes having the confidence makes such a difference ♡♡♡
Hello Suzie,
This article is great. It is so inspiring. Your video is really good. I thank you for sharing this with us. It sure takes a power from within to do things like finding your true love.
More power.
What a great Power Word for the year! Mine is surrender, which I think of as surrendering to my Inner Knowing, and allowing the Universe to open opportunities for me. It takes a LOT of courage to practice this. Thanks for the video!
I love that your word is surrender, and yes it does take courage to surrender as that also means making change too.
I look forward to see the universe opening up the opportunities ♡♡♡
Suzie – You are a true light worker. There’s no shortage of self-help, leadership and coaching folks — but very few ask us to examine the heart.
Susan, you have me dancing with delight, when I read comments like this my heart sings and I know that i must continue to shine and share my light . thank you ♡♡♡
Awesome things are happening when I believe in me! I go after my dreams, connect with new people, and I’m open to great changes!
Thanks Suzie for the inspiration!
Awesome things are happening when I believe in me! I go after my dreams, connect with new people, and I’m open to great changes!
Thanks Suzie for the inspiration!
Hi Delia,
I love your confidence and energy comes though in all you share. ♡♡♡
What happens when I believe in me? I dare to commit to myself 100%. I dare to shine my light and connect with new people. I dare to live from my heart and mind. Thank you Suzie!
Hi Martine,
You always delight me with your visits. amd you comments. I have just read you latest post about committing 100% to you, a wonderful challenge I love your dare- that will be courageous ♡♡♡
Hello Suzie, Aah the power of meditation ! Thank you for this writing. “Believing In Ones Self” is such a simple concept, but so challenging for many of us to put into practice. But, I guess that’s the key word – Practice, Practice, Practice. Love & Light! Phyllis
Thanks for sharing your video. It’s so important to believe in yourself, otherwise how can people believe in you?
I love the idea of Power Words! Words really do have the power to spark change from the inside out. It’s why we have to not only be careful of what we tell ourselves – but also what we sow into other people -especially our children.
YES Tai, I love your reminder about words and especially what we say to children, that is so important as the negative words get implanted to easily ♡♡♡
When I believe in myself of course I feel better, BUT what always surprises me is that people around me feel better as well and this creates a sort of good and positive energy even with people I don’t know! You say each one of us has a gift inside, I think you are right, unfortunately we often forget about it, so this post is really a good reminder, thanks!
Great site – – – good resource to reestablish self confidence 🙂
Great site – – – good resource to reestablish self confidence 🙂
Thanks Anna i am happy you found the article a good resource. and welcome ♡♡♡
Such a good message for me – finding that place of complete trust is sometimes challenging for me (ok, OFTEN challenging!) I’m moving towards it and trusting when the voice and power come to me. I find it’s something I not only have to work toward, but I have to them nurture it and sustain it. Like my inner balance, it’s not a permanent state for me but something I strive for. Living with truth takes practice!
Yes Judy living with truth does take practice and I know I have highs and lows and then when the grey cloud comes over i need an trigger to remind me that I have a gift to share and hiding it away won’t help me ot anyone else. ♡♡♡
What a great, empowering message! You know, sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We don’t recognize the tremendous power we have within ourselves to pursue our desires. Your message is such a wonderful reminder to let out what is inside of us! Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you Victor,
so true, we are often the last to credit ourselves and to really take action of letting our true worth be seen. thanks for visiting 🙂
Beautiful video, Suzie. When I believe in myself, it doesn’t matter how tough times may be, I know that I can be proactive about working to bring things back into balance. I have the courage to step into my power and make things happen. It reinforces my self-confidence and personal power, and my level of self-love improves accordingly. Thank you so much for the reminder in such a beautiful way. I love the sparkly writing about shining, etc It made me smile big time 🙂
So True Shan,
When we believe in ourselves we find the courage to push through. Your comment delighted me thank you, I love it when a post sparks something in another ♡♡♡
Beautiful, once again, my friend. This exact thing is why people think that change is difficult. They take someone else’s plan for change and try it on. That’s like trying to fit into a pair of your friend’s pants …just because they’re your friend!
Our lives, our dreams, our advice …just like our pants… needs to fit US. To try to fit ourselves to some externally imposed idea of pants is a recipe for frustration.
Thank you Vironkia,
I love you description especially of the fit like pants, brought a smile to my face. yes more and more i feel that by going witing and listening and asking we can shine ♡♡♡
One way I bolster belief when facing a difficult situation is to tell myself that I’ll live to tell the tale. Not only does this reinforce my belief in making it through, it also relieves the pressure of having to know exactly everything upfront. I set off on a journey rather than trying to create a specific end.
One of the most vulnerable steps we can ever take is to shine more of who we are. Knowing we’ll ‘live to tell the tale’ musters the courage to step forward and creates the knowing we’ll be okay in spite of feeling hesitant and unsure.
Thanks for bringing this important point forward Suzie.
I love that Lorraine, I’ll live to tell the tale, I am now thinking how can i apply that to my life when i am wimping out ♡♡♡
I love this, thanks Suzie, A great reminder to believe in ourselves and not rely so much on the external xxx
Thanks for dropping by and commenting, so true we need to make the time to go within ♡♡♡
Inspirational and heart-warming Suzie – sharing!
Thanks Leanne, I appreciate you ♡♡♡
Oh, I so believe in this, Suzie! If we look deep within we will find the power to overcome all of our challenges. Thank you for the reminder!
Hi Corinne,
yes we do all have the power within sometime we need a little push to be reminded ♡♡♡
My self belief is not always at my side … has a break from time to time. When my Self Belief is active however, bells ring, stuff gets done. And it comes so easily.
Most “problems” are in our heads and are no where as difficult as you think. When you discard the problem aspect and believe that You can do things … things get done. At the end of the day, simply take action … and if you do get stuck, ask for help [which is a form of taking action in itself].
Be good to yourself
Welcome David,
Yes asking for help, i like how you have made that an action step. For some though that taking action does not always come easily ♡♡♡
Hi Suzie,
What you explained in your video was great. We have such immense courage within us. It is there and always is and we need to let it out. Our power word also has an associated state with it. Let us continue to repeat our own power word and allow its corresponding state to help us make the most of life.
Thank you.
Thank you Hiten, your comment makes my heart sing. Yes when we follow through with our power word and hold our focus on that we can soar to success ♡♡♡
So many people have been conditioned to believe that who they are is not enough. I love that you are encouraging everyone to believe in themselves and open the door to all the wonderful blessings that await when they put fear on one side and simply believe.
As always Suzie you shine a light brightly enough for us all to see.
Hi Elle,
your comments always bring a smile to my face. Was good to read you comment after a day that was less than a hell yes day. ♡♡♡