Your Daily Joy Exercise
DAILY: Check Your Joy Tank
Always keep your joy meter at least half full. This means you have to know where your joy level is – every morning.
Your joy level can be equated to your energy level.
This is your daily overall measure that you get from your Heart Whispers, your inner wisdom.
Close your eyes, put one hand on your Heart Chakra and one on your Sacral Chakra (your belly) and ask your Inner Wisdom “How full is my joy meter today?” and ask for a number between 0 and 100 – with 100 being totally full and 0 being empty. The first number that comes is the number for the day.
Now keep a record of this each day. I do this every day and record it in my journal.
Do this before you get up and start your day.
75-100% full ~ On Track: you are doing well – keep doing what you are doing each day
50-74% full ~ Needs Attention: ask yourself what do I need to do today to boost my energy- some self-care? Have you scheduled in time each day that is just for you?
25-49% full ~ Alert: Stop and ask yourself what do I need to say no to today so I start to put my needs first to refuel my joy talk. Look at your to love list- you might call it your to do list 🙂 What’s on there you will let go of today?
0-25% full ~ STOP right now: You need a joy boost! You need help. Clear your calendar. Ask for Help now.
We are going to start doing this for 5 days. I will be checking in to see how you are going and giving you some joy boosters. so make sure you check your email.
You can comment below.
I look forward to hearing how your joy levels are rising.