Snippets from my day on my new path to consistency, discipline, and the life I am choosing to create

I have finally created some major changes in my daily routine so I DO CREATE MY DREAMS.
They have been slipping away as I was not following through on what I said I was going to do.

 That has been for too long now

Started last night with my red laser for 15 minutes before bed, no phone and I did  get 7 hours sleep with just one trip to the loo!
Starting afresh with no checking my phone, etc 

I am going to do this for a week to see where my time goes and develop some consistency and to create space for the new to come in and make time for creating new art and cards
Tomorrow I will actually track my time- something I have always in the past resisted!
I saw it as losing control!
I remember many years ago my Professor,  when I was doing my masters telling me that:  Out of structure comes freedom !
I remember then creating a series on fabric art based on this premise .
I have been a slow learner
Have you experience this challenge: Please share in the comments
I will be sharing more in GROUP Join us in there

💜 Love always ~ Suzie 💜


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4 Responses

  1. Wow Suzie! Your routine is inspiring. And you are right, when we fall off our routines all the things we set out to DO, does not actually get done. But with the kind of disciplined routine you have planned out, I’m sure you’ll achieve all your goals in no time 💗

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