Will You Manifest Magic in 2011?

Have You Chosen A Theme For 2011? Have you chosen your theme for the year?  Inspired by Mari Smith’s post My One-Word Theme For 2011: Commitment I have been tossing some words around over the past few weeks. star–  be the star of your life and be okay about it. it also relates to my […]

Monday Inspiration

If your actions inspire others to dream more. learn more, do more, and become more, your are a leader. – John Quincy Adams Be the change

How To Learn From A Missed Opportunity

Ducks In A Row

Do you sometimes feel you have broken through and shifted a pattern that has been disempowering for you? It’s a great feeling: wow you think, I am moving forward. You have a goal that you have shared with the world and you are ready to move on it. But are you really ready? Have your […]

A Way To Get Unstuck and Become Unstoppable


Are Your Shining Your Light? Sometimes do you feel you are stuck?  You can’t seem to move forward, take action and yet you know you have more to do, more to be, more to give? I know I do and often for me it is just fear that keeps me stuck.  Something like this EFT […]