Intuitive Heart #19: Rainbow Healing
” “My opening heart is blessed by the healing rainbow”-Suzie♡ I did see a rainbow today as I was watering the garden and from a crystal I have hanging outside. I also started to wear my rainbow healing bracelet again. I heard a little whisper during meditation that I need to put back onto my […]
Intuitive Heart #18
Shine Your Light “My light shines out touching hearts everywhere”-Suzie♡ I was quite surprised when I uploaded the photo of this heart to see the textures that had been captured within the heart by the camera that I do not see when I look at the painting directly. The further I progress on the journey […]
Discover The Secrets To Self-Love
Self-Love Secrets Interview with author Evelyn Lim Self-Love Secrets will inspire, empower and uplift you on your own self-love journey. Evelyn shares her own journey to self-love and I found myself relating closely to many of the stages that Evelyn has experienced and writes about. The path to self-love is as both Evelyn and I […]
Intuitive Heart Day 14: Opening Into The Light
“My heart opens to the light that is in me when I open to spirit and listen”- Suzie Today is monthly visit time to the Renal doctor so I am seeing myself surrounded by light and my angels and guides. This mornings painting flowed on from a new 5 minute meditation I am doing with […]