Productivity Queen Helen Raptopolous To Share Her 8 Top Tips

Action Habits-Helen Raptoplous

Learn How To Be More Productive Helen Raptopolous  challenges you to stop being busy and start being productive. Helen will share what she knows works and take you step by step through her top 8 ways to becoming more productive. On the call you will learn: The one thing that is stopping you from hitting […]

Getting Out Of Your Head and Into Your Heart


Learning to Trust Recently I found this piece of paper tucked away in a pile of papers. It had been written by Elizabeth who I had met a a Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive weekend where we were both assisting, back  about 5 years ago.  I had gone to see her for a reading. I had […]

Do You Follow The Gurus or Your Heart?

purple heart

This week I clicked on Maris Smith’s link on facebook to a video where Nick Nanton had interviewed Mari. I first met the fun loving, big hearted Mari via Facebook back in 2008 when I set myself a BHAG– Big Hairy Audacious Goal. I then personally met Mari at Blog World later that year. I […]

There is Only One Godself……..

And It’s In Everyone Of Us……. A post by Jeanette Maw at Good Vibe Coach What Quiff are you Poppin ? has both inspired and brought back memories of this song: It’s In Everyone Of Us. The words: there is only one godself and it’s in everyone of us  and we grow from that.” were spoken […]