Color Prescription 2: Orange and The Sacral Chakra

2nd Chakra by Suzie Cheel

Working with The Color Orange and The Sacral  Second Chakra Orange is the color of power and vitality, of apricots, mandarins, persimmon and papaya, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potato. orange is a sunrise, a sunset the flame of a candle. Orange is the color the second chakra our sacral chakra and our feeling centre. It […]

Color Prescription I: Red and The First Chakra

red and the root chakra by Suzie Cheel

Working with The Color Red and The First Chakra The color red has many moods, many meanings,many messages Red is the color of fire, love and passion Of fear and anger Red can energise you Red can depress you Red stirs the the senses and ignites the emotions Red excites and stimulates A red light […]

Do You Follow The Guidance Your Higher Self Gives You?

Choosing to follow your higher guidance gives you more freedom Those words resonated for me as Freedom is one of my primary values. This wisdom flash  is part of Sonia Choquettes new online Ask You Guides Course. This expands on Sonia’s Book of the same name and the oracle card deck I am using in […]

Are You Living From Your Heart?

Or Does Your Head Rule? I have drawn the Epiphany card from  Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides Oracle cards for the third time this week. I thought there was a message for me and maybe you can relate to this too. The message from the card starts: “Congratulations you are finally getting out of your […]