Have You Shared Your Soul Story With The World?
Sharing My Soul Story: Today I am honoured that my soul story has been shared on Soul Speak by Jodi Chapman. “Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” ― Thérèse de Lisieux: Story of a Soul, Chapter VIII So what is a Soul Story? Jodi says: It’s that moment in your life when you realized […]
Color Prescription 7: The Crown Chakra
Working with The Color Violet and The Crown Chakra “Spiritual liberation is not at all a mere affair of the intellect, but rather the realization of the inmost Self, the inward vision of the soul, and the transcendence of the personality.” —Yogi Ramsuratkumar Violet is the color of the amethyst, lavender, violets, lilac, of loyalty, of spirituality, […]
Color Prescription 6: Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra
Working with The Color Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra “Learning to see is a matter of learning how to look and of having the patience to look long enough to find what you are seeking”~ Anodea Judith Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky, of denim, of intuition and perception and is said to […]
Be Shining: Is Your Inner Light Turned On?
Are You Shining, or Hiding Your Light? As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson Are you letting you light shine brightly for you and the world to see or are you […]