What Can I Celebrate?


What Can I Celebrate Today? I drew this card on Thursday from the new deck of Inquiry Cards that Sylvia Nibley sent me recently. I am loving the daily question that emerges after shuffling the cards and asking: how may I serve today. I have been journaling on the question and sharing it on my Facebook page. Something took […]

Are You Trusting Your Heart Whispers?

Do You Find It Easy To Be Trusting in YOU? The word TRUST has been coming up for me this week. Maybe this is my word for 2015? I used it in the first edition of the third volume of Weekly Heart Whisper, which went out this week. This morning I woke up at 3.30am!  […]

Cutting The Ties of 2014

releasing 2014

Celebrating and Releasing 2014 This week I have picked up my 2015 Create Your Shining Year workbook  with every intention of breezing through it! Not to be, I kept getting stuck. on the celebrating and releasing 2014. Big avoidance. “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will […]

Are You Being You?


Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! ~ Dr. Seuss Are You Being True, Really True To You? Or Are you Still Sitting On The Fence Waiting For That Magic Moment To Shine Your Light On The World? Yesterday I painted the words above BE […]