Rebooting My Book Project

Making My Story A Reality After a day of feeling a degree of overwhelm, I realised I need to do some fresh prioritising or this book would never be finished In stepped my beach coach, Des. We were walking on the beach and I was sharing my current lack of progress. Des came up with the […]
How to Meditate and Listen To Your Heart Whisper

A Simple Way To Start Meditating Today’s post has come in response to a request from Heart Whisperer Kim Stanley Lawyer when I posted the Heart Whisper Daily guidance card Your Heart Knows yesterday in the Heart Whisper Circle. So today when I drew the Listen Card I knew it was time to create a simple […]
Are You Ready To Reclaim Your Health?

Reclaim Your Health E- Summit with Genevieve Kohn and Dr Rachel Havilland Do You Want To Reclaim Your Health? I interviewed one of the hosts of the e-summit Genevieve Kohn about Reclaim Your Health. I am excited to be part of this eSummit starting today October 22nd until 24, 2014. with Genevieve Kohn and Dr Rachel […]
21 Healthy Reasons To Eat Chia Seeds Daily

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.” -Brillat-Savarin Chia seeds are a wonderful gift from nature. I drink a glass of water each morning that has a tablespoon of chia seeds in it that have been soaked over night. I have been doing this for maybe 4 or 5 years. […]