So What Do I Want?

Such a simple way to reset one’s vibes by asking: SO WHAT DO I WANT This is the question I ask when I allow my daily ritual boundaries to fall away!!!!!! YES, that was me this morning. I got excited to read the comments on my first 1-minute video that I let my guard drop […]
Grace Chose Me

Did You Choose Your Word For The Year? I have had an interesting time with the word I chose for this year Initially I was going to choose love and abundance as one of my goals this year is to be fully on the path to being truly financially free. I am doing this through […]

I was walking on the beach with Des and talking about my new tagline BE YOU, GET WEALTHY and I said if people don’t like it that’s too bad! Des said: “Why are you calling in negativity? What if you said ‘AND People will love it!’? Would that attract the people who love it? Not […]
BE BOLD Follow Your Passion

Oracle Card Reading This was the questioned I asked before the reading: What’s next for me to be aligned with ease and grace? You see I have set myself a big goal 90 day goal for my Online Attraction Marketing business and it is just a bit scarry! Here is the live reading The challenge […]