The Art of Ritual: Creativity Day 6


Reigniting My Creativity Day 6: 10 x 10 Yesterday after finishing my Gift of Gratitude painting and blog post I drew my card for the day, The Altar Princess from The Wisdom of The Hidden Realms deck by Collette Baron-Reid which I manifested last year. I had started this morning ritual to reignite my creativity […]

The Gift of Gratitude


Creativity: Day 5 10 x 10 Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. ~ Melody Beattie Day 5 of […]

Reigniting My Creative Spirit

creativity is

Creativity is the door that opens my heart and listens to the whispers of my soul”.-Suzie Cheel  There Was Something Missing In My Life….. I had let my creativity have a holiday that was too long. I realised that I had only painted twice since before we moved, so that was from back in November.  That was […]

Did You Feed Your Creative Self Today?


Making Time For My Creative Soul Last week I realised that I hadn’t picked up a paintbrush since  I finished 21 Day Painting meditation challenge one month ago and then slacked off. My creative soul was not getting it’s daily hit. When I do a challenge I just get up each morning and head to the […]