The End Is The Beginning

Reigniting My Creative Spirit: Day 10 of 10 x 10 What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. ~T. S. Eliot I started my 10 minutes a day x 10 paintings both as an assignment for Your […]
Freeing My Creative Spirit

Reigniting My Creative Spirit Day 9 Day 9: I broke out today, I heard my heart whisper: bigger paper Suzie time to be bold. I used acrylic paint (I have been using watercolors) a fork and surf wax comb were my brushes. I felt freer, more child like, I heard my inner critic come in as I was painting […]
My Resting Heart: Creativity 10 x 10: Day 8

The title for today’s painting came as I posted the image to the page. When I started painting this morning I used a fan brush and for the first time in this series, acrylic paints rather than the watercolors I have used for the past week. The waves of the sea came to mind as […]
Creating Brings Joy: Day 7

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh Reigniting My Creativity Day 7: 10 x 10 Today’s painting was inspired from the first words from my daily reading of A Course in Miracles ~ ” The Holy Spirit is […]