Does Your Image Reflect Who You Are and What You Do?

color, magic and inspiration

Do your readers and your fans know who you are and what you do? I discovered a few weeks ago that my images on and even here were not matching how others saw me. This video tells the story I would love to hear both your feedback on my journey and your own story? […]

Monday Inspiration: Love is

Love is

“Love is what comes from within, loves know no boundaries, love opens the doors to freedom and joy. Love conquers our fears. Love opens ones soul to a higher place where sharing love openly allows us to shine. Love ask nothing in return. Love allows me to be at peace, Namaste.” My friend Zeenat from […]

Monday Inspiration: Friendship


Last week I decided to ask a group of friends on facebook to help celebrate a friend Pam Brossman’s birthday. Pam had decided she was going to give here friends a huge discount on her up coming SheExpert event in Sydney, Australia in February. I had this idea and messaged a group of Pam’s friends […]

Monday Inspiration: To Emerge


“As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.” – Henry Van Dyke This was the word where the title for my book Emergings arose from  and these were the words I wrote then and that was how the title emerged Emerge: to rise out […]