Is The Law of Attraction Working For You?

law of attraction

Last week I received a twitter message from Hulbert Lee – From Bottom Up asking if he could interview me for his Law of Attraction Series. This was very impromptu for me and was a fun experience. Hulbert asked the question above, along with how does the Law of Attraction work and other questions about […]

Do You Want To Be A Billionaire?

abundance by suzie cheel

Sing and Visualize Your Way To Wealth… Thanks to Evelyn Lim from Abundance Tapestry for mentioning this Billionaire song and video in a comment. I love that Evelyn sang along while reading  post where I shared my vision for becoming an enlightened millionaire. You can get the words for the song over at Evelyn’s blog […]

Are You in The Flow? The Love Of Allowing

Love of allowing

Being in Synch Some days do you feel like the Universe is in sync with your passion, your dreams and  your desires. Today was one of those days. Today I woke up with the vision of a mind map for my Passion Plan. I then meditated and received messages  that reinforced my vision. i then […]

Making Your Passion Vision Board

Vison Board

Are You Keeping Your Vision In Front Of You Making a Vision Board is the next step in realizing your passion.This is my passion Board that I hang above my computer so it is at the forefront of my vision. As I look at it as I write this I can see that I still […]