This is what I want to do
This is exactly how I want to live my life
Consciously taking risks and having a good time doing it
Expanding my total presence without embarrassment or denial of my power,
Your power, divine power – in this moment.
Putting everything right out here on the line
And then daring to really be myself.
Choosing to step beyond the lines I know and love so well
And deliberately risk everything I’ve build up so far to keep myself comfortable
But over and over and over Again and again
Until I experience my full potential
As a soul, as a teacher, as a woman, as a transformer.
I want to live this life – my life – to the fullest
And continually stretch and relax my boundaries out to include more.
Amongst other things I want to experience an unplanned moment
An unpremeditated, unemancipated, unexpected, uncontrolled moment.
And when it happens, I want to recognize it Let go, open to it
And release my pictures of what the successful moment looks like
And of how I should perform within that moment
And simply surrender and trust my unknown abilities
And let my spirit rush into that space and show itself
Fully, authentically, magically, miraculously, splendidly,
Wonder-fully – the works.
And I want to be substantially different as a result
I expect that moment to make a difference to the rest of my life
And I want there to be a difference in the world because of the
choices made in that single moment
And, since I don’t know when that moment’s coming
I want to experience all moments as possible entry points –
Just in case this is IT –
And stay conscious and be present to myself, to you, to what’s
Happening now – within me and between us –
Along with all the possibilities of what can happen next.
I want to see clearly whatever’s going on and respond to it.
And I don’t want to feel like I’m doing this on my own I want friends to help.
I want to feel close and touched, loved and empowered by God’s Living grace –
you folks
So that together we can celebrate our full power as women making a difference
Together we can celebrate our full power as men making a difference
And together we can apply our spiritual passion for life
And build a planet of light and transformation which really works
Within our lifetimes.
-Joy Drake
Live in abundance, be the change and make a difference TODAY!
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What brilliant words of affirmation Suzie,
I love the line “Consciously taking risks and having a good time doing it” it really resonates with me at present.
And being who you really are – or giving yourself permission to be who you really are and grasp fully the life you really want – all amazing stuff.
Wow – this really touched me today – I’ve been spending some time with really powerful women who are really conscious and in the moment and it’s given me such a boost. This is what I needed to hear – thank you.
Heather x
Hi Heather,
I love this poem I was given it many years ago and it still has so much meaning for me and a poem I often share when someone need a lift. I am so happy it touched you
Suzie xxoo