abundant-augustTHE Abundant August HEART WHISPER ORACLE READING


How will I bring in love and abundance this month?

Guide me to set my intentions…..

As I shuffled the cards asking for the focus for August the LISTEN card flew out.

Find a quiet space each day to simply listen to the whispers of your heart. Share on X

Total synchronicity I had just read an email with an exercise that was in a course I have been doing asking: 

How do you let higher intelligence get to you?

You listen. You get quiet.
Stop thinking, obsessing and chasing.
Be still and listen.
Spend an hour a day; remembering, living and breathing.
The universe was listening!

Next, I asked as I shuffle the cards what’s the challenge and out came
with the message:
Freedom is a gift you give yourself when you release fear and spread your wings Share on X

Our fears are what blocks us and stop love and abundance flowing to us.
and at the same time, fear/ego helps us to uplevel as we release those fears….

Allowing us to expand into JOY that feeling that I absolutely love to have when I wake and the state of being I aspire to daily…

When you are listening to the whispers of your heart, you open to love and joy floods in Share on X

This allows me to know: yes have the KNOWING
that I am enough and my life moves into a deeper feeling of self-love where I can FLOW and expand.
Knowing you are enough allows you to let go and trust: then watch your life transform. Share on X

Taking action on my DREAM BIG, my visions
The ones we bury, when we play small

What is the dream that will create ripples of change for you and the world? Share on X

August with all the abundance is time for a new vision board you might call yours a dream board and put on that board all the things that you want to call into your life:

Physical: your health, fitness, a new yoga class,
Mine this month will be QiGong and continuing with IF (Intermittent Fasting) and NSA (Network Spinal Analysis)
Emotional: Use ho’oponopono and EFT
Spiritual: Sitting more in silence and listening to my guides and angels, morning pages 
Business: doing the income-producing activities each day
Philanthropy: Kiva this month and A fiver for a Farmer
Financial: Be more diligent in having a home for the income coming in and that leads us back to

Feel the love within you, allow it to say “I love you”, and give yourself an inner Namaste. Share on X

Embrace fully the love that you are that leads us into feeling more abundant and on the path to freedom our challenge card.I have shared below the cards in order and with the message that was on each card as Karen asked me to read those out and here is the  the replay of this interview and the reading starts ay 29 minutes in 



I am wishing everyone a fully abundant August and if you would like the support you can book a reading with me
Want guidance on creating what is almost like a future pacing vision board just message me to have a chat about this.
Remember you are a gift to the world so today and every day
love yourself into abundance™

with love and abundance

Suzie 💜🙏💜

Join the YOU ARE LOVE group  you-are-love

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20 Responses

  1. I love this blog and the pure joy you embody with your words Suzie. Thank you for wishing everyone a fully abundant August and reminding us that fear contracts our minds, bodies, and spirits and we can choose to expand and love ourselves into abundance! Sending you so much love and gratitude!

  2. Suzie! This is marvelous! I am challenging myself to focus on self-love this month!!! There is so much abundance available to us if only we take time to slow down and appreciate it! Thank you!

  3. I super love this month’s spread, Suzie. There are a couple of important projects both on the home front and business that need my attention and knowing that if I go with the flow and listen it will all happen!

  4. Thank you for ushering August in with such positive energy, Suzie. I like your predictions for the month – for both of us! I need to do a vision board. Thanks for the idea.

  5. I like that you are inviting me to create a new vision board this month. So much change has been happening that I feel it is time to update my board with bigger goals! Thank you!

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