Heart Whisper Reading
March Heart Whisper Reading

Moving from Summer to Autumn(Fall) in the Southern Hemisphere
and From Winter to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere

Wow, a powerful reading.

I asked what will move us into abundance in March in flow, ease, and grace

Firstly 2 cards flew out as I started to shuffle. Then I drew the next 3 cards and was guided to draw 2 more.

I love that my intuition guides, me so that each month I discover a new way to read the cards.

The first the cards the flew our appeared frequently in February


These are the pivot points to remind us that if we keep holding on to what no longer serves us.

So often we block our own abundance on all levels


This is a huge message for me as I still have my studio and computer in a big need of much to let go of.
I stop and start  

The second card FOLLOW YOUR HEART is the reminder to listen to and follow the whispers of your heart, not to ignore those nudges you hear, see and feel.

Embrace your path with love and you will find the gift your heart knows is within. Share on X

Now to the reading and energies of this month
It’s a month for all kinds of positive change, transformation, with new doors to abundance opening to us all

The Expansion card is perfect: PASSION

When you follow the path of your heart the flame of passion will light up your life. Share on X

It is tapping into and lighting the fire of our passion that will keep us moving forward in March, allowing transformation to be. 

The Action card speaks volumes
CONFIDENCE where we step into our power and allow imperfection to be our friend, yes the STRENGTH card calls for us to come out of the shadows and dance.

It’s time for your heart to light the path of your truth and step into the change that you have been seeking and has been seeking you 

The next 3 days make sure your vision is clear.
Spend time and IMAGINE your life as you really really desire it.
Answer the question truthfully

What do I want? What do I really want?

Are you crystal clear on this?

I spent time in February using my clarity through contrast process to get crystal clear.

I now have 3 very clear desire and allowing statement I read each day on aspects of my vision, life and business. I am calling in all three, this month, the next 90 days and over the year 

I will this week make a vision board.

You can make a physical one, a board on Pinterest or online board


The final and the outcome card is RECEIVE

Open your heart and be receiving of the love that is you and surrounds you. Share on X

What a beautiful outcome.

Yes RECEIVE the abundance, the transformation that comes when you are on the path to Love Yourself into Abundance™

Please share if this reading touched your heart somewhere

Love yourself Into Abundance™
Suzie 💜🙏🏽💜

PS get your cards here https://suziecheel.com/hwcard

To book a reading here https://www.suziecheel.com/heart-w

Want both- message me for the special price



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2 Responses

  1. Suzie, you are so right. Like an open Hand an open Heart can receive. I believe that sometimes we feel we have to give all our love and desires to others first in order to not to seem selfish. I believe we must give to ourselves first and be sure we have manifested our hearts desires before we try to fulfill the needs and desires of others. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Kathleen what a beautiful comment, love the open hand. So often we find it so hard to give first to us, but when we can we open the rivers to abundance with a heart full of gratitude as well as love and joy xxx

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