Today’s prescription was for me a gift from the universe and reassured me that the universe does respond when you are open. This mixed media work had me finishing reading my friend Evelyn Lim’s book Abundance Alchemy: Journey Of Gold that Evelyn published earlier this year and has been waiting for me to finish so I can do a video interview with Evelyn.
First about the work- this started out with colored crayons that I overlaid black paint onto planing to expose the underneath rainbow colors in a painting similar to Prescription 1. When this dried it was lifeless and dull so listening to and being guided by my intuition I took my gold crayon out and overlaid the painting and this gave the painting life.
Secondly I picked up my copy of Abundance Alchemy that had been sitting by my bed and finished reading this inspiring and empowering book that will take you on a journey that Evelyn calls the Journey to Gold and how you can become the Abundant Alchemist in your own life. Evelyn says:
Taking this journey reveals itself to be gold. it is the experiencing of courage, wisdom, faith, peace and harmony that brings out pure brilliance. Your journey has all the elements of a great story, the movement of love within and through you. Abundance alchemy is purposeful integration, creating, weaving and crystallizing meaning into the fabric of your everyday existence. You are an alchemist, the source of your own illumination.
This is an invitation to shift from a paradigm of scarcity towards the paradigm of abundance as Evelyn weaves her own story of becoming an Abundant Alchemist through out the book and provides you with action steps to take on the journey where one turns lead into gold. Hint: This is a journey within:) I will be interviewing Evelyn and she and the book will be featured in the upcoming new online magazine.
Thirdly: As I sat down with the book I decided to shuffle my deck of Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards: and the Alchemy card jumped out, I kept shuffling and then I lifted up a portion of the cards and turned them over to discover Treasure Chest, My second lift was Set your sights higher– that resonated and the 3 lift brought up Treasure Chest again. Synchronicity in action here. Yes I will but a lotto ticket today.🙂
Do you have experience of instances in your life where you have turned lead into gold?
I’ll be back tomorrow with prescription 5. I am finding it quite amazing how my paintings evoke stories that relate so well to both change and abundance.
P.S. If you’re visiting for the first time – don’t forget to download your free gift – my ebook: Attracting Abundance
Live in abundance, be the change and make a difference TODAY!
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Thank you for featuring my book in your post. I look forward to being interviewed by you and knowing more about your new online magazine.
I found it very interesting that you pulled out an “Alchemy” card. It just shows that when we tune in, we get the answers that we have been asking in our subconscious. I enjoy doing card readings myself and have been teaching my children how to do them too.
It’s great that things are coming together for you lately. I wish you every success, love and abundance!
Will be in touch soon,
Hi Evelyn,
Yes it is amazing that when we tune in and allow how life flows- I love that you are teaching you children, how blessed they will be to know at an early age what it has taken me so long to learn:)
I appreciate you thoughts- it has taken a long while to really get clarity, sorry I chose for it to take so long
Love and abundance
This is beautiful! You’re really on a roll now. I think all of this is really opening you up for greater opportunities in many areas of your life.
Hi Angela,
Yes look what you unleashed- seems like the creative side was ready to come out to play- I am loving paining every day and I think I am getting more ideas not less- i am sure it will all come together in time
I’m loving watching your wonderful journey and I can’t wait for you to interview Evelyn.
The two of you together will be something to witness.
Just love watching everything align for you.
much love
Heather x
Hi Heather,
Yes it will be great to interview Evelyn and I am hoping it will be part of my upcoming LOA online magazine
I so appreciate your support
Have a wonderful day