Passion Test Review
Take The Passion Test Today
“There are two great days in a person’s life—–The day we were born and the day we discover why?”– William Barclay
My copy of the Passion test until Tuesday had been unopened for a year or so. There were several Postits in the book where I had marked the above quote at the beginning of the book and the following one in the epilogue:
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply. with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand. – Woodrow Wilson
The Passion Test provides a simple, powerful way to clarify your passion, define your life’s purpose, and begin living the life you dream of. It helps you step into your power and be true to yourself.
You can start by making a list as suggested in the book of at least 10 of the most important things you can think of that will bring joy, passion and fullfillment into your life. It is suggested you begin each sentence with a verb relating to being doing or having.
The sentence you use to begin the process is : When my life is ideal, I am………………. You might start by visualising you ideal scene. When you have made you list leave it for a few hours or even a day. Then you will review the list and prioritize to establish you top 5 passions as of now. It will not be set in stone. In six months it might be quite different.
I’ll be back later with my list and what I have established as my top 5 passion to put on a 3 x 5 card. Now I am going to watch Video No 4 from Janet and Chris Attwood.
Have a deliciously abundant day
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Hi Jeanine,
Great to read that you have been taking it so often- something I am going to be doing more often- I did do it yesterday and like you find I have some top passions that need some tender love and care.
Hi Susie! I just lost my comment, I think, by signing in. In case I did, let me try to remember it. I enjoyed your post! I have been taking the Passion Test several times a year for years now and knew it was time to take it again, so your reminder came at the right time. Based on my answers, I know I need to give a couple of top five items more time and attention.