Yesterday Patty Rose from Meaningful Movement and one of My 30 Day productivity friends left in her comment:
I look forward to seeing your progression on this heart and soul journey.
Hence I have decided to call this series of Prescription Painting: My Heart and Soul Journey and I plan to share one a day with you over the next 21 days. Why 21 day? I am currently reading and learning the practices in Dr Roy Martina‘s best selling book Emotional Balance: The Path to Inner Peace and Harmony
and Roy suggests 21 days as a great way to learn something new, change a habit etc.
I’ll be back tomorrow with prescription 3.
P.S. If you’re visiting for the first time – don’t forget to download your free gift – my ebook: Attracting Abundance
Live in abundance, be the change and make a difference TODAY!
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Just loving the chance to see your creations. They inspire me so much!
Hi Sandra,
I love your comment- I live it when i inspire others, have you picked up the paint brush yet?
I’m so glad to my comment sparked an idea for you. I just love the way we support one another. What a wonderful 21 days you have ahead of you. And, we all get to benefit as well. Love this painting!
Hi Patty Rose,
Thanks for being part of the inspiration and the journey, yes love the support too
This is fabulous.
I’m feeling really inspired to get creative.
Heather x
Hi Heather,
I am looking forward to seeing what you are inspired to do and please share when you do
I love your banner–your smie jumps off the page with energy and the vibrant colors feed the spirit.
Hi Ali,
Thanks, a friend of mine made that banner for me when she felt I was to black and not reflecting my personality 🙂