I drew the ask card from Daily Guidance with your Angels on Thursday morning and then I read Nicole Cody’s post “That Asking Space”. This was on asking for your why. I felt that there was a big message for me here.
Ms Independence has had a challenge asking for help, anyone else get that? Over the past few weeks I have been actively asking more and more. I know I can’t do it all alone!
Since I opened my asking heart I have attracted such support and abundance:
- Resit of my Law of Attraction faciliator training online with Michael Losier
- One Year’s membership to Jodee Peevor’s Totally Fabulous Academy
- Facebook Mastermind
- Accountability partner
- Amazing help on Facebook Groups
- Social Media consult with Laura Rubenstein, who said my passion was contagious 🙂
- Plus I asked and many of you have joined The Heart Whisper Circle on Facebook and this week we had our first meetup ~ exciting!
The best thing is I really can feel a shift within and others are commenting on it 🙂 It has taken me a long while and a lot of inner work to get to this point.
Back to discovering your why.
I have noticed several instances this week where people have been saying they still don’t know what their why is or they are missing joy in their life.
Reading Nicole’s post I was inspired to meditate on my why, to make sure I was really, really clear,
I took myself down to the beach with some meditation music, my journal and an open heart.
First I walked, then went for a swim, before positioning myself in the sun for my asking meditation.
Getting Real Clarity on Your Why
I asked: Am I on the right path?
These words flowed onto my journal:
You are here to paint and create art. Your messages come through your art as it comes from your heart.The words flow from what you see and feel as you paint and what we tell you. 🙂
You help other people open and listen to their heart whispers which brings them a sense of freedom to follow their own heart and get true clarity on what they truly do desire.
This is a special gift you have so please do not delay any longer. You know you are loved.
Your art brings joy to you and onto others.
My heart sang. Since the messages I got about color and freedom last week I knew that my Art was to play a bigger part in my life and my business.
To help you, with your why I have recorded a short Asking Meditation ( 5.55 minutes) you can listen below or download it here onto your computer or phone.
If you would like me to work with you to get clarity on your why just go here
I would love to hear from you in the comments on how you discovered your why?
with love and gratitude
from my ♡ to yours ♡
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
Please Share this article on your favorite social networks and with your community. This can help others heal and transform their lives. Thank you!”♥♥
Follow me on Twitter @suziecheel Join the #heartwhisper conversation on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram
Join The Heart Whisper Circle and get you FREE Self Love Meditation, + an invitation to The Heart Whisper Circle. Weekly Heart Whisper delivered to your inbox. Each Heart Whisper is an individual painting with a message from my heart to guide you towards a more Creative, Abundant, Love filled Life
Talk about synchronicity, Suzie. I’m working on the exact same thing myself – trying to find the whys of my life!
great Corinne Yes it can be a journey of challenge- think you are there and you get thrown a curve ball 🙂 How are you going on discovering that WHY?
Thank you so much for sharing your recording. It is very calming and I can definitely feel the peace and serenity that surrounds me. Great post.
Hi Sherrill Delighted that you found the recording moved you to peace and serenityxx
Ooohhh, asking for help is a big time difficult obstacle for moi. For way too many years I equated asking for help with failure. Still difficult for me at times, but I’m getting better.
Kimba I hear you and I know that I must keep asking to move forward to let my light shine more- tough one xx
Inspiring as always Suzie. I am a big fan of journaling for personal growth and spending quality time alone … and like you, I head out to enjoy nature every chance I get. I am actually quite clear on my ‘why’ but I attribute that to this process and intentionally seeking to increase self awareness. Thanks and I know I speak for us all when I say I am grateful for your heartfelt messages.
Marty thank you. Yes nature is my happy place where I get clarity. I love you re clear on your why, not surprised though, You writing reflects that.
I appreciate your heartfelt comment.
There will be more from the heart- A friend and I were reflecting on how simple blogging was when we started 7 years ago and we did just write from our heart with not a care for seo etc 🙂 xx
There have been many times in my life where I have had to re-discover my “why” and I think your meditation will help me do that again now.
Betty that is wonderful. Yes our whys change and sometimes we get stuck or are wavering. Let me know how it helped 🙂
Love this! I am terrible at asking too. Will try your meditation this weekend and see how we go.
<3 🙂
Welcome Anna,
We all have to start by asking ourselves first- the meditation will help you there xx
This is a great heart opening piece Suzie! My “why” is loving and compassionate service. I’ve now embraced my why with passion and with balancing my energies with loving service. <3
Debra thank you i love how you embrace your why xx
What a beautiful message and posting from your heart, Suzie. thank you for sharing. I too have trouble asking for help and am working on it. My life’s work has been to use my creativity and spirituality in my work. I am constantly checking in with my spirit as to how to best serve this purpose.
Thank you Lisa wonderful that you check in with you spirit xx
I could really relate to this. Asking for help is difficult, especially when we are so used to being independent! But the reality is we are not alone and we need each other. Plus, when you let someone help you, you give them the gift of being helpful and you give yourself the gift of receiving. Great post!
Kerri welcome and i love what you have written about the gift of being helpful snf receiving, sometimes receiving is as much of a challenge as asking 🙂 xx
What a great meditation Suzie and how wonderful that you received such a positive message (and so true about you!). You are such a shining light and I truly believe if everyone would take that time to sit in the silence they would be amazed at what they could hear. 🙂
Thank you Elle your comments always life my heart. Yes sitting in silence open our channels to love xx
Thank you for the meditation Suzie, looking forward to doing it.
Hi Samantha, hope you got something from the meditation xx
Thanks for this just the boost I needed!
I need this. Putting laptop down now and sinking into your meditation. Thank you!
Hi Sue, Thanks I hope it uplifted you xx
Just loved the meditation Suzie, thank you. My guides shared with me that I’m here to give hope to others and to help them believe in themselves, see their awesomness, realise they can be anything they want to be and transform their lives just by sharing my story and living my truth. How amazing is that! Big hugs xxx
Thank you Heather, that is really amazing- it often is so simple yet we look for a deeper meaning hugs and love xxx
Thanks for the meditation. That’s a great tool to have on hand. I always look to my intuition and guides for guidance.
Thank you Linda, Yes the more me look to and allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, the more we trust our way xx
As a three time breast cancer survivor (stage 4 terminal recurrence- but I’m still here…) whose dreams diagnosed what the doctors missed all three times (I am on my way to the International Assoc for the Study of Dreams to speak with doctors worldwide) and detailed in my International Bestseller & Award winning book- Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, I totally believe in the importance of listening to our inner-voice and following our “Why.” Why did I survive against all odds? My “why” is to help other women stand in their power and speak their truth in the face of adversity while leading by example. Why? Because as the Universal Caregivers, we often think everyone else should come before us, and that demanding to be seen and heard is selfish. Nothing is more beautiful, more desirable and necessary in life than a strong woman who refuses to be dismissed and can laugh off “NO” with “Yes, please, NOW!” Love your blog Suzie!
Kathleen what an amazing story, sounds like you are doing really well at living your why. thank you for sharing. I love that you love my blog- makes my heart sing 🙂 xx