Attracting Abundance:40 Day Prosperity Plan

The Abundance book

Abundance: Resources for Attracting more Abundance into all areas of your life Just before Christmas I was looking over my bookshelves to see if there was a book there I had yet to read or wanted to reread and I came across The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price which includes in it the 40 […]

Word of The Week: Abundance


The Word of The Week: A Weekly Feature Walking on the beach last week while on holidays I had this idea to each week have a word of the week. I started by looking at making an A -Z list, thinking I would repeat that twice. I was going well until I got to X, […]

Will You Manifest Magic in 2011?

Have You Chosen A Theme For 2011? Have you chosen your theme for the year?  Inspired by Mari Smith’s post My One-Word Theme For 2011: Commitment I have been tossing some words around over the past few weeks. star–  be the star of your life and be okay about it. it also relates to my […]