Monday Inspiration: Choice


“Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?”– Eric Allenbaugh What choices will you make today to say yes to life?

Learn How To Be The Expert in Your Niche


Would you like to shine in your area of expertise? You know the power of marketing yourself online, yet you don’t know where to start? This event might be just the thing you have been looking for to propel you forward in 2011. By attending She Expert event you will be taught how to position […]

Does What You Do Make You Feel Good?

feel good

Are you doing each day what makes you feel good? Does it raise your vibes so you vibrational bubble is full of positive thoughts, pictures and words? Yesterday I recognized that I was doing what I thought I should do and that really does not make my heart sing or move me forward in leaps […]

Abundance Book: 40 Day Prosperity Plan Starts Today

The Abundance book

The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price which I wrote about last week and on Tuesday Jan 11th you can join in the 4o Day Prosperity Plan on Facebook- You can join in here This book is perfect for anyone who is willing to consider the possibility that God (or divine spirit) exists fully and completely […]