Do You Take Time For You?

Your Inner Child

Do You Feed Your Inner Child? I drew this card this morning and when I read from the book that comes with 1281407846&sr=8-3and read that I need to have some playtime. Well I had playtime over the weekend, you might have noticed I haven’t kept up to my daily blog posting for The Ultimate Blog […]

Gratitude Gifts and Gain

Traveling at The Speed of Love

Today I am grateful for: learning the love overrides fear, from reading 1401924026 the Uplevel Your Life forum, so many amazing like minded people discovering how I really can move forward in my life and the amazing awakening of how I can resist moving forward. realizing how I stop myself being powerful Andrea Hess’s ask […]

The Power of Self Acceptance

My Morning Message Each Morning after I have meditated and been grateful  I choose from one of my many decks of oracle cards and draw a card for the day. Today’s card reminded me of an affirmation I developed many years ago when doing Insight 1  20 years ago I am strong creative and free, […]

Smile and The World Smiles With You


The Power of a Smile Yesterday my friend Lance from The Jungle of Life posted this video and this beautiful quote: “There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.”– anon This video was created in conjunction with The Levity Project. One world, One smile. Lance was instrumental in encouraging […]